People have marched, demonstrated and gone to the border. In fact the whole damn border has been filmed and documented with GPS coordinates proving there is no border security - seven years after 9/11. BTW, all the 9/11 terrorists came in on legal VISAS – like about 40% of illegal aliens currently do.

We still have people actually talking about Is illegal immigration good for the economy? ( ) when it is been extensively documented that it is not. ( )

With an almost Democratic super majority in Congress and President Barak Obama, get ready for the Obama-McCain amnesty bill. This time shutting down the Capital switchboard won’t stop it. The traitorous SOBs will pass it early in 2009 and assume the Kool-aide drinking voters will forget all about it in two years. That will add millions of feeding-at-the-trough voters, permanently electing the illegal alien friendly, open-borders, Democratic Party for decades to come. The end result will destroy the America we know and love.

In the fight against illegal immigration, nothing we have done or that is hapening has resonated with the general public. Forums like this haven't. Neither has patrolling the border, picketing, protesting, calling, horrendous crimes, lost jobs, depressed wages, third world diseases, illegal aliens up to their eyebrows in mortgage fraud, ERs shutting down, hospitals closing, massive drug dealing, an MS13 gang invasion, sexual slavery, or school systems and whole states going bankrupt. The collateral damage from illegal immigration goes on and on and most of America doesn't comprehend or just doesn't give a damn.

What will shake America out of its complacency?

I would have thought that Immigration Gum Balls would ... 1393887069

but ho hum, so the US population will double in 45 years as the US declines into a second world nation. Yawn…

On another thread, we have Time for us to create and unleash a new weapon

More polls? That’s a new weapon? The thread itself documents Americans are overwhelmingly against amnesty and illegal immigration but Lou Bartletta is defeated and “weâ€