John McCain is going to be the GOP nominee for president. It has been very apparent for a long time that the only reasons Mike Huckabee was in this race was to help John McCain and gain a vice-presidential nomination. No matter how many votes Mike Huckabee achieves in the remaining GOP contests, I do not believe John McCain will name select him for the vice-presidential nomination. McCain will throw him under the bus when the time is right. All of Huckabee's scheming will in the end get him nothing. He will have helped kill the candidacy of Mitt Romney for John McCain, but will get nothing from his feloo pro-amnesty candidate to show for it.

I do hope, though, that those who live in states that have not yet voted who supported candidates other than McCain and Huckabee wil still vote for their candidate in any remaining GOP primaries or caucuses. Some states, such as West Virginia, award delegates at both a state convention and in a primary. It would be nice for the media to see candidates other than McCain and Huckabee continuing to receive votes.