Vote Prostitutes Are At It Again

Well, Rep Don Brown of Florida called "illegal aliens what they are, illegal" and is getting slapped around for the truth.

Don Brown, a Representative from the Florida Panhandle used an Internet phrase "Don't forget to pay your taxes.12 million illegal aliens are depending on you"

Yep, you got it..Brown is being called "intolerant, insensitive, demeaning, below-the-belt, etc" all because he spoke the truth which the vote prostitutes are calling a joke.

This is plain and simple....illegal is illegal....and I'm here to tell anyone that supporting 12 million illegal aliens in "no joke".it's real, it's happening, it's immoral, it's threat to society, a threat to American national security, and any politician in the Florida Legislature, or anywhere else, that supports illegal activity should be impeached, recalled, removed from their elective position.

The Speaker of the Florida House, Mark Rubio spokesman said "It's not really an issue the speaker's been very involved in".well guess what better wake-up and get involved.

I could care less Rep Brown's comment did not "sit too well with some members of the Hispanic Legislative Caucus".his comment connects with me, part of the "American Causus" just fine and on the mark.

America is out of control.Don Brown as reported in the Fort Walton Beach Daily News today asks pertinent questions that should be answered and action taken with regard to illegal aliens residing in Florida. There is another question, why is it the messenger is attacked who speaks the truth about illegal aliens or minority issues?

The whiners against truth classified Don's use of the Internet phrase as a joke in order to cover their attack which is simply an effort to side-track the truth.Rep Brown was not the original writer of the comment as it has been on the Internet for months, if not longer.but the whiny vote prostitutes are calling the truth a "joke".it must not go unchallenged...My advice to Don Brown, "keep up the fight for truth."

America is no longer the land of the free, it's the land of the "lie" and "double standard".

Will Don Brown be another victim of gutless America because he uttered truth or will the "American Caucus" rise up and support his call for truth and action?

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)