Now that it's time to vote for someone you possibly don't like or is in the wrong party, in order to punish your bailout traitor, we can remember the words of the fictional character Willie Stark in the great American classic "All the King's Men." Willie, a novice candidate, finds out he has been used by his party like we have been used. In his case they just wanted him to split the vote against the other guy, and the politicians are really all the same. Willie resolves to work to defeat those who betrayed him, by working, FOR NOW, for the election of the other guy.

If you are going to have to hold your nose and work and vote for someone you don't like, to defeat your bailout traitor, let Robert Penn Warren's immortal dialogue ring in your ears:

"Vote for MacMurfee this time, [Willie] told them, for he is all you have got to vote for. But vote strong, strong enough to show what you can do. Vote him in and then if he doesn't deliver, nail up his hide. "Yeah," he would say, leaning, "yeah, nail him up if he don't deliver. Hand me the hammer and I'll nail him. Vote, he told them. Put McMurfee on the spot, he told them.

"Listen to me, you hicks, listen here and lift up your eyes and look on God's blessed and unflyblown truth...nobody ever helped a hick but a hick himself. Up there in town they won't help you. It is up to you and God, and God helps those who help themselves..."

...[MacMurfee] shied off him at first, for Willie had said some pretty hard things about him...And in the end Willie got up on his hind legs and said how the MacMurfee people were offering to pay his expenses but he was on his own; he wasn't MacMurfee's man even if he was saying vote for MacMurfee."
-Robert Penn Warren, 1905-1989

Rep. Lamar Smith write-in challenge

Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, 21st District, is one of the bailout traitors, unopposed in the general election. Anyone wishing to show his or her displeasure in this Austin/San Antonio area district should circulate the name of Trooper Keeton, who has agreed to be a write-in candidate.