The nation is facing many serious problems (including massive illegal immigration ).

However, NOTHING will improve until voters (who are being ignored) finally understand that repeatedly rewarding irresponsible incumbent politicians by repeatedly re-electing those same irresponsible incumbent politicians, is precisely why the politicians ignore the voters.

Government is FOR SALE.
Our politicians are selling us out, but too many voters reward them for it by repeatedly re-electing those same politicians.
Politicians can ignore the voters because the voters keep re-electing them.
Congress has over a 90% re-election rate (even after the last 7-NOV-2006 election).
Look how the government refuses to enforce the existing laws.
Government refuses to prosecute the greedy employers of illegal aliens.
But the voters keep rewarding the politicians for it by repeatedly re-electing those same politicians.
It makes no sense, but that's exactly what too many voters are doing every election.

Unfortunately, by the time the voters finally feel the pain of their own apathy, laziness, and robotic voting to re-elect irresponsible incumbent politicians, it will be too late.

Want results?
Stop Repeat Offenders.
Don't Re-Elect Them!

It's really that simple, but so very elusive as long as too many voters continue to reward irresponsible politicians for ignoring the voters. The politicians will continue to grow increasingly arrogant, irresponsible, elitist, uncaring, greedy, and choose (despicably) to pit American Citizens and illegal aliens against each other.

Too many Republican politicians want cheap labor.
Too many Democrat politicians want voters and cheap labor.
And the voters get to pick up the bill of annual net losses of over $70 billion (which does not even include the untold cost of crime, 2.3 million displaced American workers, and disease).

Want results?
Then stop blindly pulling the party-lever.
Stop voting straight ticket like a robot.
Stop rewarding bad politicians.
Stop re-electing them, and you will then get real results.
Stop wallowing in the petty, time-wasting, distracting partisan warfare.

Want real results?
Want illegal immigration stopped?
Help spread the word to STOP rewarding bad politicians by repeatedly re-electing them.
Get educated about the right way to vote.

The voters have a simple solution right under their very own noses.
It's the one simple thing the voters were supposed to be doing all along.
And that is NOT rewarding bad politicians by repeated re-electing them.