Illegals from Arizona and Colorado, are migrating to Washington state. We are being overrun, to the point that average Americans are the small minority here. Please help Washington state see that Americans of Washington want something done. There is actually mexican pride marches being paraded down our streets here, and mexicans becoming often violent while protesting that there rights should be the same as ours. They want all of our benifits but don't feel the need to pay for any of them as hard working citizens do. We need petitions drawn up in Washington to show how Americans feel about Washington being OVER RUN with illegal's. Furloughs in Tri-Cities Washington is now the common scene, because our state is giving its money away to illegal immigrants. What's worse my husband works for a Dr. Office and I was appalled to learn, that illegal immigrants can go to DSHS get FULL medical coverage, for free, just by checking the box illegal at the local DSHS food stamps office. Illegals get help with full medical coverage cash food and housing. All while us hard working Americans go without. My husband works for a Dr. He is covered as well as our kids, but as for me well it costs to much so I have to go without. And before you say I'm racist, let me say that my husbands parents LEGALLY migrated here from Peru, in the 60's. My husband was born here and is American in every way. His family also believes something needs to be done about the over population When of people illegally migrating here, taking our jobs, and leaving us with the bill. As for farm workers, Americans would be happy to do those jobs if they paid decent wages, and hired people that actually speak English. Not to long ago my husband and I fell on hard times, we tried to apply for medical, and were told we there wasn't enough money in the Great state of Washington to help me, they told me I had to pay for the insurance that illegals were getting for free. Really... I don't qualify for insurance, but someone who lives here illegally does automatically. We pay our taxes, why should my taxes pay for people that shouldn't be here in the first place and hard working Americans have to go without. Its not fair. Washington needs to get on board, Americans are getting tired of it. Wshintonians do not want illegals in out state. If you live in Washington voice your opinions until the beauracrates finally take notice of what the American people want.