Readers tell 'Hot Button': Does Tennessee need an Arizona-style immigration law?
December 19, 2010

Today's question: Should Tennessee legislators pass a bill in the upcoming session modeled on Arizona's controversial law that gave local police the power to question and detain anyone they suspect may be anillegal immigrant?

Simply because Tennessee cannot compel the federal government to enforce its laws, perhaps the state should create its own so it can at least compel local authorities to enforce them. Or we can leave things as they are and face the inevitable continuation of a flood of illegals.

Yes, if the federal government is not interested in doing the job they were mandated to do, then we should do it at the state level. Success in many states might persuade the federal government to properly fulfill their obligations to protect the citizens of the United States and to defend us against this invasion.

Terry R. Kirby


Tennessee legislators should pass a bill modeled on Arizona's law, because our ancestors who came here had to come legally, within the framework of the law. The rest of us have to live by U.S. law -- why should foreigners not have to abide by the laws of the land?

When Americans go to other continents, they have to keep their passports and papers on them to be able to show any authorities who they are and where they came from -- so why should aliens be any different?

David E. Bender

Glen, Miss.

Until our borders are secured, we need a similar law. It's shameful that states are being forced to deal with this issue because the federal government has failed to stop the flow of illegal aliens from all countries. Unfortunately, Democrats seem to be more interested in pandering for votes (through measures such as the mis-named DREAM Act) than enforcing the laws.

I hear all the time that we need to "fix the system" or that we need "comprehensive reform," i.e., an overhaul of our immigration laws. I disagree. The system of laws we have now has worked for years, and would still work, if the federal government enforced the laws.

Dennis Vest

Ripley, Tenn.

The Arizona law on immigration is well-intentioned, but will stifle economic growth (through population and labor market decline) and give police too much power. Tennessee, and Memphis in particular, suffer from plenty of problems, but "immigration" is not one of them. This is either a well-intentioned fix to a problem that doesn't exist here, or a smokescreen that's inadvertently going to give more power to the government.

I would invite our lawmakers to take care of the bureaucracy and high class sizes in our failing schools. Or to work to find a way to continue to grow the state's economy. But "immigration crime" isn't a problem in Tennessee. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Daniel Horner


I believe we should have a law such as Arizona's. If we as a nation allow laws to be broken, how much longer will it take for our civilization as we know it to decline? These are desperate people who need hope, and have found some relief by choosing this illegal lifestyle. We as a nation, much to my dismay, have shown extreme weakness in this area. We have allowed the illegals to tell us what they are going to do.

If I as a citizen break a law, I would be punished. There is no difference here. The illegals should be addressed and done so quickly. We should enforce immigration laws that are in place and maybe create new laws that address special immigration issues. It is a monumental issue that needs to be addressed by American citizens now!

Ruby Milam


Tennessee needs an Arizona-style immigration law because the federal government is lax in their efforts to control the flow of illegal immigrants crossing our borders. The people in question are a burden to taxpayers and are taking jobs from our citizens and expect all of the perks that our citizens are entitled to.

Don Holt

Drummonds, Tenn.