We are not free under a democracy. We have two parties in which one is in control of the country. People usually vote party lines no matter what the candidate stands for. The controlling party is not for the people or the country but go with their personal belief and agenda. Bush is a prime example. He promised a government for the people but once elected has his own agenda. He has done nothing for the good of the people or what the majority wants. He does not listen to the people but to corporate America. The people do not want war, do not want illegals immigration, etc, but he will do whatever he want. If a bill is pass that he do not agree with, he will veto it.
He wants to spread democracy in Iraq, but it will never work, because the controlling party are Shiites and they will never bring the different facets together. The only way peace will come is by dividing the country into three, Kurds, Sunni and Shiites. Saddam could do it but a democracy government cannot.
Bush did not free the Iraqis, he just took them out of one hell and put them into another.

Spreading democracy
is more than using military force to do it. There are countries that are economically hurting, starving, dying of aid and other health problems, being killed because of the color of their skin or religious beliefs who need help that could lead to democracy with diplomacy. Force is not the only way unless you are a Texas cowboy. We need to win the people by help them help themselves. “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for life. Show them what democracy is and they will want it enough to at least help fight for it.
Mexico is being genocide economically by the leaders and we need to help Mexico keep their people in Mexico. Mexicans coming to America is not the answer. Mexico is more of a threat to us than any other country in the world. It is just like helping Florida and not helping California. We have a nation of “stupids” Republicans and Democrats as our leaders. They don’t see the forest for the trees. There are too far removed from the issues. They need to get out and listen to the “little” people or the nation and Mexico.

Illegal aliens
This country is in big trouble in the future and it is not terrorist but aliens. American businesses need slave labor. We do not need immigrants for nation building. This nation is built. They are doing jobs that American’s would take at a decent wage.
This nation will take not when we become a third world country. Mexicans will be a majority in voting power and they will take over the running of this country and we will have a president Fox.
Our police, social services, jails and prisons, schools, hospitals, housing, jobs, etc. is not growing fast enough to support the influx of immigrants coming into this country. The border needs to be closed now. My fear is not what terrorist can do to this country but what 30 mil illegals using emergency system, unlicensed and un-insured drivers causing accidents, over crowing housing and schools, kids cannot get after school jobs if they cannot speak Spanish, special teachers for teaching kids English, they have taken jobs on the streets and highways, yardwork, kids used to do garbage collecting, house and car burglars and car thief and the list goes on.

Immigrant farm workers.
In no way is the million of immigrants coming into this country working in farming as our representatives have stated. A small number are working in farms only to work their way into the inner city. Most of them do not do farms work at all. There they are taking jobs away from Americans. They make up 25% of the work force in Nevada. They are not doing farm work but work on our city streets, stores, yard work, hotel and casinos, health care services, construction, etc. Lot of the adults are taking jobs that our youth used to do as after school jobs and summer jobs to assist them in getting through school Americans cannot get some jobs because they cannot speak Spanish. I saw an ad for Home Depot specifically seeking Spanish workers.
They will not save social security as I heard someone say. There will also be a large number who will one day receive SS. One day in the near future this country will be a Spanish speaking country with many of the same problem that have existed in Mexico.
The reason nothing is done to secure the borders is because both republicans and democrats need them to vote and get the support and vote of businesses.

This country is in big trouble
in the future and it is not terrorist but illegal aliens coming from Mexico. American business needs slave labor. We do not need immigrants for nation building this nation is built. They are doing jobs that Americans would do at a decent wage.
This nation will take note when we become a third world Spanish speaking country. Mexicans will be a majority in voting power and they will take over the running of this country and we will have a president “Fox”.
Our police, social services, jails and prisons, schools, hospital, housing, jobs, etc. is not growing fast enough to support the influx of aliens coming into this country. The border needs to be closed now. My fear in not what terrorist can do this country but what 30 million aliens will do. In the city where I live, I’ve seen the cost of gang units, hospitals bankrupt because of illegals using emergency system, unlicensed and uninsured driver causing accidents, out crowding housing, over crowded schools, kids cannot get after school jobs if the cannot speak Spanish, special teachers to teach kids English, they have taken jobs in ever area in the state. House and car burglaries and thief and the list go

C-Span and Border Control
Douglas, Ariz. representatives Jennifer Allen and Mayor of Douglas are obviously Mexicans and support illegal immigration. They turn a deaf ear to the fact that some are coming over to work and other to commit crimes.
How can the Douglas, Ariz. mayor way the border patrol is doing their jobs when 3 million illegals are getting past them. I question how illegal and drug traffickers are paying off many border patrols.

Farm labor solution.
Take the criminals in prison into the farms and let them do the work that illegals are doing. That would save the farmer, consumers and I bet the inmates would love to get out and work the fields.

Pres. Fox comment
No. He does not need to apologize for saying, “Mexicans are taking jobs that even blacks will not do” because America has given him the impression. Bush need to set his friend straight that Blacks are not inferior in this country and that his people are taking jobs away from minorities and others. Blacks once did those jobs at a fair wage.

Mexican Government.
The reason the Mexican gov’t do not try to stop immigration is because the immigrants send billions of dollars back to Mexico which is Mexico’s economy but does not help our economy.

U.s. taxpayers
are footing the bill for illegals in hospitals, schools, prisons, etc. u.s. gov’t should send the bill for these cost to Pres. Fox and if he does not accept the responsibility for his people, should place sanctions on Mexico.

Help Mexico.
The money we have spent in Iraq could have been used to help Mexico create an economy that would keep Mexicans in Mexico with many u.s. companies already operating in Mexico, why are there so may coming to the u.s. and taking jobs from Americans and lowering wages.