I learned from yesterday that nothing changed - the media is showing the same old thing - repeating the same old garbage. Even trying to convince us that May 1st is 'Worker's Day - celebrated around the world." Some of us remember the news footage we always saw on MayDay of the communist celebrations and the missiles and troops. Some don't - we need to educate them.

The politicians haven't changed one bit. They act as if someone wound them up and pushed the button and they are going to regurgitate the same old garbage.

There are some things we need to do. If we have been 'serious' in the past - we need to get downright obsessed now.

When you go into battle you need to know what your assets are. Our assets are first and foremost, ourselves and our love of this country and our desire to leave a better country for the next generation.

Others have a handle on what to do about the politicians - and how to do it. Follow their lead - when they say write, fax, etc. - do it. I know some are - but some of us (like me) just send a couple and consider it done. No more.

We need to all register to vote - if you are not now registered, then get registered and get everyone you know registered. We need to be fully in the game. Unless we do this - it may be the last election that can have a impact.

I think a large surge in registration would send a message to Washington.
Are they aware of the number of registered voters? I don't know - but we could always inform them we have registered and have also gotten x-number of others registered.

We need to recognize our enemy - and truly our enemy is not the illegals - they are just the results. The ones who are harming our country and our children's future are the employers and the politicians. The employers purchase the politicians - so ultimately - it is the employer.

People, once again, our biggest assest is our money. We need to get together - get focused and use our money as a tool. Unless we are focused, however, it will make no difference. If some of us boycott Tyson's (deservedly so) and some of us do MacDonald's (deservedly so), etc. - then it is hit or miss. We need to score a bullseye every time. We don't have much time.

Check out the sticky at the top and read it - read it every day - and just do it.

For the month of May - we need to concentrate on not buying any poultry. Just don't buy it. Also, don't give our money to MacDonald's and BurgerKing. If you have a source for poultry products that do not employ illegals - then do so and let us all know.

Do not expect the media to carry this story - surely yesterday taught us what their line will be - everytime. So don't get discouraged. If we all do it - it will work.

Are we ready ?