I've been watching all the mobs on TV. It's anarchy, folks, and we have an impotent Federal government which is really powerless to do anything about it.

This is terrorism in our streets! How? Because these mobs are attempting to force their political will on America by intimidating our Elected Officials to grant them amnesty and make them legal in spite of breaking our laws; they are intimidating the employers who have hired them, and they are intimidating YOU and ME, whose forefathers shed blood, died, and gave of their treasury to form this great nation. They are intimidating the average American citizen who is abiding by the Rule of Law - which has just disintegrated today before our very eyes.

America is coming to her knees today. Did you know the Muslims have joined in with these Hispanic protest groups?


In addition, it's not just about borders, as our Elected Officials would have us believe. They are breaking other laws, too:

1. They broke the law by sneaking over our borders.
2. They broke the law when they got their fake green cards and fake Social Security numbers - probably a felony.
3. They break the law by getting paid under the table, because we are required to file Federal Income Tax and in most states, State Income Tax returns.
4. They break local zoning laws by holing up by the dozens in one and two-family homes and apartments so they can send their money to Mexico.
5. They break most state laws when they don't carry automobile insurance.
6. They break the law when they are driving in states without a legal driver's license.
7. And they litter our streets and highways and make our once safe neighborhoods unsafe with drug gangs and meth labs.

That's just a few of the local, state, and federal laws they are breaking BESIDES sneaking over our borders.

Did you know this is a Communist protest day, too? I can't believe it is a coincidence, either.

In addition, guess what they did in Mexico today: NOTHING GRINGO DAY! May 1st! How racist is that?

http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/ ... index.html

Besides the racism, maybe NAFTA, CAFTA, and FTAA is going to blow up in the politicians and corporate America's faces? We can hope.

The mobs we are seeing today waving Mexican flags, shoving their fists into the air, and demanding rights they are not entitled to - it's called EXTORTION - I only wonder if our lawmakers would be so sympathetic if these same mobs were wearing white hoods? The average American citizen is hopping mad. Email and write your senators TODAY. Call their offices first thing in the morning!


I wonder if millions of Americans across America took the day off from work and school and mobbed the streets if the government would be calling in the National Guard and making arrests? I think I already know the answer to that one. But that's what should have taken place today - detention and then deportation.

The America as we once knew it is just about gone - today may be a turning point in the annals of history. Let's hope our Senators and President get some backbone and ENFORCE the existing laws on the books before this thing gets out of hand - the clashes between Americans and illegals - and some of you know what I mean.