I stand against illegal immigration.

I stand against the Federal government's refusal to secure the borders or enforce the law.

I support Arizona's lone, brave fight to enforce the rule of law with their new legislation that enjoyed broad, bi-partisan support.

I reject any slander or aspersions against the People of the state of Arizona, that this law is about racism, or xenophobia, or "apartheid", rather than the truth: Arizona is doing the job the Feds won’t do — taking the law and our borders seriously to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens first.

I reject and refuse to participate in any boycott of the great State of Arizona.

I will do everything I can to support the people and economy of the State of Arizona, by supporting its companies and products, and to visit its incomparable natural attractions.

I call on the United States government to start doing its job according to the Constitution: Secure the Borders, Enforce the immigrations laws, Protect its citizens.

Go sign here:

http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/sta ... ation.html