Why,in general, are Americans opposing illegal immigration yet doing nothing about it? Why isn't any group suing the US government or charging the majority of Congressional or Senate members with treason!? This is happening by no accident. Pres. Reagan was the first one to start letting go of our southern borders, yet signing a tough border protection act that...alas was never enforced. Why do you think NAFTA and other trade agreements were made without the approval of the Amreican people? Why has Vincete Fox made promises to the Mexican government and the people that he would have a amnesty program in effect before he leaves office in November? Ladies and gentlemen, it is going to get worse, I fear to the point of internal war or having another a group (United Nations) to secure peace within our own borders. Americans are on a daily basis fed garbage of "we will protect you if you let us do this." We are losing our borders and our freedom yet we are demanding the government to stop this. The dog has peed on the wrong tree.