Dear Meximerica Supporter,

Over the past four years, Presidente Vicente Fox and President George W. Bush have forged a geopolitical relationship with the single goal of eliminating the multitude of disparities that divide Mexico and the United States. Regardless of the root cause behind the individual disparities, it has become quite clear that a single nation is stronger than two individual nations.

Based on review of the voluminous scientific research and issue analysis conducted by an independent, multinational think tank, Presidente Fox and President Bush have single-handedly established that Mexico and the United States represent a perfect symbiotic relationship. This relationship is unlike any other two border countries in the world. It is this very symbiosis that will provide the foundation for closing the disparity gaps between Mexico and the United States in the forthcoming years and set the stage for the bi-nation integration initiative.

Once the disparity chasm between Mexico and the United States is closed, nations around the globe will bear witness to a single, unified, and vibrant country extending from Central America to the southern border of Canada. This new country will be the next superpower. This new country will be named Meximerica, for which Meximerican Presidente Fox and Vice President Bush will have established themselves as Our new Founding Fathers.

Independent Comission Report
The report, produced by a consortium of internationally reknown economists, political scientists, mathematicians, civil engineers, news anchors, librarians, and teachers' unions, supports what Presidente Fox and President Bush have known for the past four years. Although Senior Fox and Mr. Bush have been assembling a crack team of nation integrators, they simply couldn't go public until the facts were in. The fact is that Mexico and the United States are opposites, and opposites attract. The two countries are perfectly symbiotic and can only flourish when combined. The report was not commissioned by in order to maintain unbiased datasets. Download the report here.

Integration News Poureth Over
Signs of the integration of Mexico and the United States abound. Be proud, for you are witnessing the groundwork for our new nation Meximerica.

A poignant speech by President Bush on his ingenious Guestworker program (download). The Guestworker program is especially well-crafted in that it slowly dovetails Mexico's population into the United States in a way that appears temporary, but in fact results in permanent residence and eventual citizenship for Mexican citizens. It will do this by making the Mexican citizen appear as a necessary component of society and the economy, while diverting attention away from the larger tax burden they actually place on society because of their low wage (i.e., non-taxable income) jobs and high consumption rate of public services. Whereas Ronald Regan's amnesty program back in 1986 was pervasive, Mr. Bush's amnesty program is so stealth that it is referred to as a guestworker program.

Integration would distribute violence more equally (download). This press release details drug-related murders in the border towns along the U.S. Mexico border. By integrating Mexico and the United States, the high concentration of drug trafficking, murders, and kidnapping in the border areas can be much more equally distributed across the territory of Meximerica. As a result, more people can participate and be affected by drug usage, sales, and other side effects such as theft, murder, kidnapping, dismemberment, overdosing, etc.

The numbers are astounding! Think of the votes (download)! This report details a theory that there may be twice the number of undocumented workers in the United States now than estimated by the census bureau. This is great news because it proves that Presidente Fox and President Bush have been effective, yet stealth, at integrating the two countries thus far. It also shows that some cities in the United States are experiencing higher rates of consumption for public services due to increased populations of illegal immigrants from Mexico. This is good because the legal citizens of the United States are paying for this additional burden through their taxes yet don't seem to notice or care.
More great news being compiled. Please check back regularly.