Radio ad rallies against amnesty
DECEMBER 11, 2006

NORTH COUNTY ---- A radio ad that aired last week sounded the immigration alarm once again.

The new Democrat-controlled Congress could make it easier for President Bush to pass an immigration reform bill including amnesty for illegal immigrants and a guest-worker program, the ad said.

The radio spot, sponsored by Californians for Population Stabilization, a Santa Barbara-based group seeking to curb immigration, urged listeners to take action.

"In all the celebration of the Democratic victory in the congressional elections, nobody noticed that President Bush won a big victory, too," the voice in the ad said. "For the first time, there's a Congress likely to approve his aggressive agenda to increase immigration. ... Together we can still stop this Congress from increasing immigration."

Californians for Population Stabilization, a group that some critics call radical, is not alone in sounding the call to action. Well-known groups seeking to restrict immigration, such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform in Washington and the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps in Arizona, sent similar messages recently via e-mails and news releases.

But not everyone agrees that a bill containing amnesty for illegal immigrants or guest-worker provisions is guaranteed under the new Congress.

"Given the passion over immigration, I don't see an easy path to pass an amnesty bill," said Kurt Bardella, a spokesman for Rep. Brain Bilbray, R-Escondido, who made border security a centerpiece of his congressional re-election campaign.

Diana Hall, director of the group sponsoring the ad, said the campaign began airing on radio Monday statewide. She said the radio spot aims to energize people to call and write their congressional representatives.

"We know there's a huge constituency of people who feel that the immigration that we're getting into the United States is too much," Hall said.

In last month's elections, Democrats took control of both houses of Congress. While Republican leaders focused their campaigns on border security, many analysts said the outcome of the election was largely driven by voters' anger over the war in Iraq.

Anti-illegal immigration groups were quick to point out that many of the newly elected Democrats ran on platforms that included border security and sanctions against employers who hire illegal immigrants.

"Many of the freshman Democrats are arriving in Washington with a message from the voters back home that controlling the borders and cracking down on employers who undercut the middle class by hiring illegal aliens is a top priority," said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

In its ad and in its literature, Californians for Population Stabilization blames population growth, largely due to immigration, for problems ranging from traffic congestion to environmental pollution. The "only solution" is to limit immigration, according to the group's Web site,

"Politicians fear losing votes, while businesses don't want to give up a steady influx of 'cheap' labor," according to the group's Web site. "Others try to make it an emotional issue, others say it's 'unfair' to prevent anyone from crossing the U.S. borders."

Critics, including civil rights groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the American Friends Service Committee, say Californians for Population Stabilization uses rhetoric that fans the flames of hate.

The group also sponsored a TV ad that aired earlier this year showing footage of immigrant rights rallies.

"The last thing California needs is more traffic, crowded schools and bankrupt hospitals," the voice in the ad says. "The last thing California needs is more immigration."

Pedro Rios, director of the San Diego office of the American Friends Service Committee, said the ads and statements by the group's board members border on racism.

"It borders on racist notions of who is valuable to be in this country and who isn't," Rios said.

Limiting immigration to curb overpopulation is rational, not racist, according to the group. California's population of about 37 million people grows by about 539,000 each year. Hall, a former professor of behavioral science, said most of the population growth in the state can be attributed to immigration and births to immigrant parents.

"(Immigration) numbers have to be tuned to our needs and the constraints of our infrastructure," Hall said.

Some argue that immigrants revitalize an aging native population. Unlike some European countries and other developed nations, the U.S. population remains vibrant because of immigration, said Tamar Jacoby, a researcher who focuses on that subject at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a conservative think tank based in New York.

"Europe is a very civilized place to live," Jacoby said. "Go to Germany, go to England, and they have eight times the population per square kilometer."

Moreover, the new Congress is unlikely to pass immigration reform without bipartisan support, she said.

"There's no question that Democrats are going to try to pass immigration reform," Jacoby said. "Nevertheless, it's going to take both parties to pass, because just as the Republicans were split on immigration, so are the Democrats split."

Contact staff writer Edward Sifuentes at (760) 740-3511 or Comment at ... 194208.txt

Comments On This Story

Note: Comments reflect the views of readers and not necessarily those of the North County Times or its staff.

Reardon wrote on December 10, 2006 9:32 PM:"And Hong Kong has 30 tmes the populaton per square mle...but have elected not to lve there, or Germany, or England. When I read in the papers about the Lobdon Radical Muslim bombings, Paris Radical Muslm riots, the Spanish appeasement, the Danes' Radical Muslim problems, I am not at all certain that civilzaton in Europe may not be in an unrecoverable declne. I think I'll pass until Americans relocate to Europe in the same numbers that Europeans relocate to the United States. "

Zack wrote on December 10, 2006 11:05 PM:"We,the legal American citizens of San Diego (who are overwhelmingly anti-amnesty)have taken a temporary break from fighting this illegal invasion mess due to the recent shifts in Congress and the holidays, etc., but we all need to refocus on the most important issue in this country and continue to FIGHT TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! Let's make a New Year's resolution to continue to vent our frustrations and let Congress (and our local officials)know how we feel. We should warn our friends, relatives, etc. in other states about the erosian of the quality of life when illegal immigration continues to run rampant and unchecked."

Skip wrote on December 11, 2006 12:00 AM:"RE: "The last thing California needs is more immigration." >>>> That's funny because I have been thinking that every day that I drive on the 15 Freeway for the last 10 years. I absolutely believe that California is full!. "

down to business wrote on December 11, 2006 12:06 AM:"Alright, the election is finally over. Can we finally all sit down like rational adults and try to come up with some solutions to the immigration problem?"

Actually Invaded! wrote on December 11, 2006 12:37 AM:"Federal permission and training IS NOT NEEDED under an express provision of the US Constitution! 'No State shall, without the consent of Congress, . . . engage in War, unless actually invaded . . . .' US Constitution, Article I, Section 10. Escondido and California have been 'actually invaded'! The Escondido Police Department can detain and deport all illegal aliens within it jurisdiction, and the Federal Government is violating the constitution if it uses any force to stop such constitutionally sanction actions.""

Floyd wrote on December 11, 2006 2:44 AM:"It's not immigration reform we need, it's enforcement of the law against illegal aliens who are trespassing in the USA. Unlawful entry into our country is not "immigration"! "

John wrote on December 11, 2006 4:46 AM:"You bet. The Dems are going to take huge advantage of the Immigration problem. After all that could meen millions of unauthorized voters. And yes, California is full, Not only of Illeagals,but folks from everywere but here.We need a good Earthquake."

Dave from Oceanside wrote on December 11, 2006 6:02 AM:" Pedro you are insulting. You are screaming the racist card because this affects your friends and relatives. You don get your way, which is unchecked immigration, so you make brash judgments about the sensibilities of all US citizens who want a rational immigration policy. This all has to do with our countries ability to absorb immigrants into our infrastructure and become part of our culture. By the way part of our culture is to follow the law. Halls statement about "(Immigration) numbers have to be tuned to our needs and the constraints of our infrastructure," is what we care about. Pedro, you could not care less about the impact unchecked illegal immigration is having on our cities. San Diego hospitals are going broke and our streets are in gridlock. The day without illegal immigrants proved the impact illegal’s have on our infrastructure. The drive home that day was a pleasure. "

To Dave wrote on December 11, 2006 7:26 AM:"You should be ashamed of yourself making such a horrible comment. You are insulting to state "You are screaming the racist card because this affects your friends and relatives." Do you know this gentleman? On what do you base this awful comment, is it because his surname is of Latino origin? I thought so, well you see sir that is the very reason they "play the race card", because unfortunately the ignorant such as yourself make those types of racial statements. Keep to the subject without the name calling and xenophobic rhetoric and maybe then they will understand our problem with our broken immigration system."

Gary wrote on December 11, 2006 7:46 AM:"If Amnesty were to be granted, then we as a country would loose all control of our Borders. The flood gates would open, and life as we knew it would be no more. A few hard working Immigrant families are cute, but in reality we are talking about millions and millions of impoverished third world people. Wake up America! Our resources are not unlimited. Already our schools, hospitals and cities are bursting. Water, Electricity and Gas are in short supply, and it is only getting worse."

Why only one ad? wrote on December 11, 2006 8:18 AM:"Everybody is fed up with the Feds and the illegals, throw them all out of the country!"

Maxwell wrote on December 11, 2006 8:49 AM:"There should be a residency program for those illegal immigrants who have made their lives in the U.S. and have lived here over 10 years and some type of "working" program for those under 10 years which is legal. At the same time there should be a heavy handed enforcement program to curb illegal immigration at the borders and at the workplace. You can't have it black (send all illegals back to where they came from) and white (give them all amnesty) you need to work in the middle in order to get things accomplished. I know a lot of people on this board like to scream "amnesty" this and "illegals" that but when someone or the government suggests a way for these illegals who have worked and lived in this country to get residency then a path to citizenship then they want to prevent that from happening. So you can't have it both ways either you want to solve the illegal problem or you don't. You can't claim you want legality on one hand and then when a program is suggested to resolve it then scream but they can't have it on the other hand. We all need to make this work and take control of this situation in an intelligent fashion or we will lose and we will continue to have illegals coming into this country for many many years to come if this isn't resolved. "

Concerned wrote on December 11, 2006 8:56 AM:"What was the first word out of Pedro's mouth? Racist! Here's my first word: Ridiculous! "

Vista Native (Mexican Descent) wrote on December 11, 2006 9:10 AM:"How can it be considered "racism" if the only thing we are upset about is "illegal" immigration. Pedro do you know that it is illegal to come across the border without authorization? If you go to the hospital or schools is seems a coincidence that the majority of people are Spanish speaking. I am not saying all Spanish speaking people are illegal either, but we need to see why it is happening. Who cares what the population is in Germany or England. I live in Vista! "

KenBone wrote on December 11, 2006 9:16 AM:"First off, let's stop referring to these people as "illegal immigrants." They are properly referred to as ILLEGAL ALIENS! There is a distinction between and immigrant and an ALIEN. Next, let's kick 'em out!!"

American-Irish Resident wrote on December 11, 2006 9:22 AM:"I hope our 50th District Representative in Congress, Rep. Bilbray, is listening to O'side Dave. I am visiting Bucharest, Romania at this time and if one wants to witness what it will be like in SD County if international immigration to San Diego County is not controlled...then travel to this overcrowded, destroyed Euro-infrastructure. Pedro ... Rios says it is racism, but that word is always used by folks when they are incapable of any other brain function. The early immigrants to the USA helped build the country in that 19th century era before a federal income tax was created. The early immigrants were not screaming for rights to the US citizen's bank accounts. The federal income tax was small until recent decades of socialistic politics increased it. Today we must pay big coin for these people the second they cross the or not. "

go home wrote on December 11, 2006 9:37 AM:"as long a the americans stand strong and voice there anger at illegal immigration there will never be a law granting amnesty for i would have to say 20 million illegals because last time i checked americans are the real voices here not the aclu or those little groups who harbor illegals which is a crime here. think of how many more criminal alieans will flood past our borders if they hear of any kind of amnesty for illegals already here, it will be a riot at the border. we should be trying to discourage illegals from coming here but bush is saying feel free to break in and ill give you the same rights as all the legals immigrants that waited 10-15 years and played by thye rules. weather the aclu likes it or not illegals or criminals and americans will always look at them as so. i dont want anything to do with non english speaking criminals who trash our county, culture and everything in its path, no thanks. what would mexico do if 15 million americans broke in there country? enforce and deport illegals now because its the way our laws are written in ink for the past century or so."

Paul wrote on December 11, 2006 9:48 AM:"Wanting to limit immigration & population growth is not "racist." It reminds me of the old joke, "A racist is anyone who is winning an arguement with a liberal.""

Wayne wrote on December 11, 2006 9:58 AM:"With all the bleeding hearts out there and those that cry racism regarding illegal immigration, tell you what. If you feel they have rights, then YOU pay for them. YOUR insurance premiums will increase, your taxes will increase, and those of us who are against the "invasion" of our country, we'll end up paying less. We'll have more money to buy more weapons so when you and raza decide to get a little frisky and feel that you're ready to "take back what is 'rightfully' yours", we'll be ready. Although we're ready now."

So Cal Native wrote on December 11, 2006 10:01 AM:"Lets not forget about all the transplants that have moved to California. Lets send them all back to the state they originally came from too. "

I like what they wrote on December 11, 2006 10:18 AM:"say 20 million illegal aliens here, HAH lets try 50 million and climbing every day we have open borders. Deport all of them!"

ivan wrote on December 11, 2006 10:38 AM:" there will be immigration reform next year. this country is made by immigrants. the children of the illegals will call themselves proud americans tomorrow and will fight in the US Army. the latinos are the new "boogeyman". first, it was the irish, then-the italians, then-the eastern-europeans; now-it's the latinos. these people work hard, build our houses, clean our stores, cook our food! maybe the earned legalization bill ought to include the provision to kick out of this country the redneck/racist/nascar people who are a disgrace to this great nation. "

wrote on December 11, 2006 10:39 AM:"You had your way, now it's our turn.... Congress declared war and, despite much Northern opposition, supported the military operations. American forces won repeated victories and occupied Mexico City. Finally, in 1848, Mexico ceded New Mexico and California in return for $15,000,000 and American assumption of the damage claims. "

Why doesn't anybody wrote on December 11, 2006 11:12 AM:"speak of the terrorists that have come into America through the open southern borders? Does everybody think they will go away if we ignore the problem? "

I love this group CAPS and I am a proud wrote on December 11, 2006 11:56 AM:"member. It isn't a RACIST group as so many of Mexican descent claim but a group that wants to stablize CA population and get rid of ILLEGAL immigration. I am tired of being called racist when I just want our LAWS enforced!"

wrote on December 11, 2006 12:32 PM:"What could $15 million bucks buy today? Maybe 20 houses in a nice neighborhood... Looks like James Polk got a killer deal for the USA!!!"

Cal_Patriot wrote on December 11, 2006 12:43 PM:"I just love the NCT's petty little jibes: "Some critics would call (CAPS) RADICAL"??? And their understatements: "CAPS is not alone in sounding the call for action""

The only racism wrote on December 11, 2006 12:55 PM:"I have seen to date is from those that came here illegally along with their supporters "La Raza" "El Grupo" "ACLU" and of course...NCT!"

Greg in Oceanside wrote on December 11, 2006 1:02 PM:"I love that statement in Ed Sifuentes' article that that states; "Some might argue that the U.S. population remains vibrant because of immigration." Excuse me, but our population doesn't "remain vibrant" instead it's PLAGUED because of immigration, particularly ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Have you looked at the news recently? A disproportionate amount of crime, including murders, rapes, robbery, car jackings, are committed by Latinos, including ILLEGAL ALIENS."

To Greg wrote on December 11, 2006 1:41 PM:"Greg is right about a disproportionate number of criminals being Latinos. Anyone who does not believe it can confirm it by simply going to the San Diego Sheriff web site and clicking on the 10 most wanted. You will find one Filipino, one Irainian, and eight Latinos."

Is this news? wrote on December 11, 2006 1:44 PM:"Since when is a commerical "news"? "

Have any of you wrote on December 11, 2006 1:44 PM:"noted that during the mid elections, all of the cowards running for office barely touched immigration? Have you seen how those traitors in Washington are saying the majority of the Amecian people are for amnesty? These people need to be placed in prision and the newly elected must be recalled if they are going to spout the same lies. "

Was this an Editorial? wrote on December 11, 2006 1:46 PM:"Was this an Editorial or supposed to be an unbiased newstory? I get so confused reading the NCT."

bvv wrote on December 11, 2006 2:05 PM:"Has anyone heard the radio ads from the Catholic church about all the awful poverty in the US? I didn't see a story about those ads. Maybe Mr. Sufuentes would like to do a story about that. "

To Wayne wrote on December 11, 2006 2:05 PM:"you my friend are correct more and more Americans are prepared to rise up if this gets any worse. One thing the libs and activist don't realize but most of your "right wing nuts" are the ones who use the 2nd amendment. "

Bob wrote on December 11, 2006 2:11 PM:"It's like in the early 1900's with prostitution in New York, they passed laws to stop it, that didn't work 'cos the police and polititions were being off, then the citizens united and "then" it was stopped."

N* Shirlock wrote on December 11, 2006 2:14 PM:"The statement by Jacoby made me laugh. Just last week I saw a news story about the problems that the Germans are having with their Turkish immigrants, i.e. language problems, employment issues and a general disinterest in assimilation. Substitute the U.S. for Germany, and Mexico for Turkey and it would be the same story. The similarities were astounding."

CR wrote on December 11, 2006 3:03 PM:"Let's not forget the "Day Without a Taco--or Mexican" whatever it was. Traffic was better, stores were not jammed with loose kids pulling stuff off shelves, and we found out what businesses cater to illegals--they were closed, so we could know never to set foot in them again! Lets have a "Year Without a Mexican", then go for decade, lifetime, etc. If they come here legally, they are not Mexicans anymore, the are naturalized citizens--Americans!"

Sue wrote on December 11, 2006 3:04 PM:"How come the NCT doesn't make the connection between this story and the other NCT story about the mother and her two kids who were hit last night in Vista by a drunk driver who already had a warrant out for his arrest, from where the NCT won't say. ... 680643.txt Yeah, you could say we've absolutely had it with the illegal invasion and its supporters like Mr. Suefuentes"

Greg in Oceanside wrote on December 11, 2006 3:45 PM:"In my earlier post, I mentioned a disproportionate amount of crime being committed by Latinos. To clarify, this isn't a racial issue, clearly fact. Certainly, crimes are committed by all races, but if you look at statistics, particularly here in San Diego, they clearly show that Latinos, by population, are the biggest offenders. Why is that? Can anyone in the Latino community answer this simple question? And when you look at our social welfare system, guess what? You'll see the same, Latinos receiving a disproportionate amount of public assistance that the US taxpayer is paying for. It's been proven, that illegal aliens COST us more than they contribute. I guess the supporters of Hispanic immigration think we're rich, so let's be a benevolent society and "provide" the milk and honey our roads are supposedly paved with. I'm not against immigration. My spouse is Spanish/Mexican. I'm against the 'free-for-all' mentality, and the taking-for-granted mentality that illegal aliens live by."

TO GREGG wrote on December 11, 2006 4:53 PM:"So that means all latinos are criminals??"

Dave in Oceanside wrote on December 11, 2006 5:24 PM:"As much as we try we cannot and will not get our point across to people who are about to be deported. They are mad, and no mater how much logic or clarification we attempt to use to support our position, they will only see what they want to see. We are dealing with the mentality of children who will just cover their ears and shout Racism as their only defense. "

wrote on December 11, 2006 7:14 PM:"Hey, when mexico goes broke and owes the USA 80 or 90 Billion US Dollars, guess what the border is going to look like--The I 15 at rush hour. Even ex-pres Fox will try to sneak in."

To : So Cal Native wrote on December 11, 2006 8:47 PM:"In case you haven't noticed, Californians fed up with this state are leaving. At the same time an unlimited supply of Illegal Aliens are moving in. California is actually loosing citizens and they are being replaced with illegal Aliens. See this NCT Story. I wonder what that will do to the State Tax base. Remember Business and industries are also leaving the state in droves already due to the high taxes and cost of living. ... 115302.txt"

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