Weigh overpopulation in immigration debate
Letter to the Editor
Associated Press

Published: 6/30/2010 11:59 PM

I, for one, am in agreement with the 51 percent of Americans that favor Arizona's new law to crack down on illegal aliens.

For the past 40 or 50 years expert population biologists have told America that our land called the United States can only support about 150 to 175 million humans and still balance our natural resources, environmental quality, and a livable, sustainable standard of living for every citizen on a sustained basis.

The 320 million humans now inhabiting the U.S. is double their scientific studies numbers. No wonder why our educational, environmental, transportation, law enforcement, medical care, employment, etc., infrastructures are crumbling.

Arizona and other border states are overwhelmed with illegal aliens, and the costs burden legal Arizonans on all fronts.

Arguments like anchor babies, racial profiling, jobs that others won't take are silly nonsense.

Arizona is forcing the federal government to do its job of identifying illegal aliens and deporting them quickly and efficiently. We must have biometric, U.S. I.D. cards

If Arizona's new law works, the state of Arizona will be like a tube of toothpaste with a lot of pressure on it. It will force hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to flee Arizona and go to other states (like Illinois), which put virtually no pressure on illegal aliens or their employers.

My usual political views are progressive (left) but not on immigration. The U.S. is now overpopulated and has been since the 1960s.

If there is one court case I want to see in front of the right wing Supreme Court we now have, it is this issue of coddling illegal aliens in the U.S.

Folks who ignore, or don't see, the direct connection between overpopulation and societal degradation need to wake up and small the coffee.

Jim Peterson

Hoffman Estates
