Ron Dzwonkowski: Rep. Weiner should avoid House probe, resign after lying about sex-texting 9:39 AM, Jun. 7, 2011 / After rendering official Washington all a-twitter — or something — over his sex-texting escapades, U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-NY, apparently intends to cling to his office, forcing the House Ethics Committee to launch a full-scale investigation of his conduct.

If he cared at all about the precarious state of his country instead of his political survival, Weiner would just quit, spare Congress a needless distraction and spare his family more public humiliation. Although they don’t always act like it, members of Congress have far more important matters to discuss and resolve than whether one of their own conducted himself, as the rules say, “at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably upon the House.â€