Well, I sure did this past weekend and there wasn't an American is sight nor a single English word spoken. I noticed it while I was eating and nearly lost my appetite from anger.

Then I stood by the cash register/counter and observed for a while waiting to pay my bill. A kitchen filled with illegals. I suppose they couldn't get a single American to cook in a kitchen of 7-8 people? What a load of crapola.

I wrote them a very nasty email through their feedback link and will not be back to their restaurants. I was especially miffed at this because their illegal mexicans are going to be marching in OUR streets this weekend then going back to work for them following their tantrum.

We can also thank Miller for sponsoring this weekends' tantrum. Pretty soon I'll be growing and eating my own food, for all the products I'm boycotting.

Kudos to Arby's in LaGrange IL for their ALL AMERICAN staff. You Go !