It's about fighting globalization. I think it's radical, but a breath of fresh air as an alternative to the same old merry-go-round in politics.

People love to say.."What are you going to do about it?"
Most of the westernized countries of the world have a 'Two Headed One Party System' Left or Right, Labor or National, Republicans or Democrats etc.

This effectively means that whoever you vote for , you will not change the ultimate goal in the underlying principle of the ruling elite. Our system is so entrenched that the politicians believe in what they are doing and they will also tell you themselves that their hands are tied in many aspects of legislation or law creation.

People will tell you ... "If you don't vote then you can't complain" But I tell you now that if you have voted for any of these puppet politicians, whatever side wins, they are ruled by the same structure and must follow the same rules as the previous administrations. If you vote then you ARE responsible, if you don't, then you are exercising your right not to vote. Your Vote is a Vote of 'NO CONFIDENCE'

The Game of Government provides us with the illusion that we have a choice ... WE DON'T!

The Government is not the Sovereign, the People are. We must dissolve our current system of Government, draft a new Constitution reflective of our new standing on the world stage and then hand to the new administration the tasks we wish for them to initiate on our behalf.

We do not need a 'Bill of Rights'. They are inalienable rights bestowed to use upon birth. The State never has and never should have the power to issue rights to its citizenry. We have all the rights already.

If War comes to us then that is another story. I will gladly defend my country with my life should it come to that.

However, our Countries, through back-room deals and obligations to Global Institutions, have inadvertently set us up.In order for us to carry on receiving the so called 'Benefits' of the modern age, we are required to fulfill our allocated duties to the Empire.

Do you think that NEW ZEALAND with a population of 4 million really needs to borrow $350,000,000 per week for our country to survive?
Do you think that AUSTRALIA would be in as good a shape if it didn't have so many natural resources.

War is a Game for PROFITS. Do you know who actually benefits from war?

International Banking Industry - They fund both sides of EVERY WAR
Defense Departments - Receive Trillions of Dollars every year
Weapons Manufacturers - Advanced Weapons Technologies
Defense Contractors - Unaccountable Mercenaries.
Construction Companies - Monopolized Agencies.
Did you know that $2.2 Trillion was unaccounted for in the Iraqi/Kuwait War (Gulf War 1) rebuild. Donald Rumsfeld & Dick Cheney did not know where it went, they could not find records for it. (Ask some of their contractors who were handed fistfuls of cash with no receipts or paperwork required).
Funnily enough, the deal that they had struck with the War Machine Commanders was.. "The more their companies spent on construction related activities, the more their companies made on their bottom line".

3. Expose these Criminals !
Here is but a short list of names. Known perpetrators, Dead and Alive, of our current world in a state of Tyrannical disorder.
Familiarize yourself with them and talk to others so they are no longer shadows of the past. This is by no means exhaustive as time permits only so many entries, but know this..
There has never been, a larger mass of people killed murdered or destroyed, not the Jewish Holocaust victims, not the Chinese Massacres not anyone anywhere, than the people that this list of people are responsible for, either indirectly or directly. The Genocide, Slaughter and Annihilation of hundreds of millions of people in there Sovereign Nations call to us for their vindication. Let us not turn our backs on them again!

When the true 'People's Congress' is standing, these criminals and others will be brought to trial for Crimes against Humanity!

British Royal Family
Danish Royal Family Rothschild (Evelyn, David) Rockefeller (David)
Morgan (John P.) Warburg (Paul, Max, Felix) Oppenheimer (Harry) Bush (George, Prescott, Samuel)
Gore (Ormsby, Al) Kissinger (Henry) Buffet (Warren) Carrington (Lord)
Constanti (House of Orange) House of Hapsburg Russel (Bertrand) Turner (Ted)
Strong (Maurice) Schroeder (Andrew) Baring (Barnato) Price Waterhouse
Astor (Lord) Rhodes (Cecil) Churchill (Winston) Delano (Marquis Charles Louis)
Harriman (Averill) Hesse (Sir William) House (Colonel MAndell) Huxley (Aldous)
Mazzini (Guiseppe) Mellon Scaiffe (Richard) Mitterand (Francois) Montague (Samuel)
Montefiore (Lord Sebag) Paley (J.P.W.) David-Weill (David) Pearson (Lord Cowdray)
Alan Greenspan Robert Rubin Hank Paulson Ben Bernanke
Timothy Geitner Larry Summers Donald Rumsfeild Robert Gates
Dick Cheney Alister Crowley Albert Pike And Many More...

4. Take your Money out of their Banks !
Take back control of your own money. Try to get rid of your credit cards and store cards and pay only with cash. Trade in your paper money, bonds, stocks etc. for tangible things like gold. put it in your own safe.

5. Grow your own food !
Be aware of the fertilizers you use.

6. Stop privatizing your nations assets !
While you still have a slight hand in the establishment of Governmental Policies. Countries like Australia, New Zealand and Canada are still able to some extent,.stand up for your nation and do not allow any more privatization to take place. The Financial Rape of our Countries' has been going on for far too long. We must not stand by with our thumbs in our mouths while our nations innocence is ravaged. She needs protection, she is the maternal component of our individual societal and family units, the paternal being our armed forces which have well and truly left us orphan to the Crown some time ago.

7. Organize !
There is a wave of awareness streaming at optical speed. Soon you will hear of the PEOPLE'S CONFERENCE's.

The fundamental principle being self determinination, integrating family values across society in a tribal capacity, coming together in conference solidified at a National level.
Under a conference structure, societies will be empowered and encouraged to create their own set of standards unique to their lifestyles, needs of fulfillment and common interests.

8. Evolve !
This structure has been kept well from us. It is well documented and has millions of current followers. The implementation for the west will begin with a worldwide conference requiring the instigation of a 'Trial for Crimes Against Humanity' perpetrated by the current Totalitarian Leadership/Dictatorship clothed in Democracy.

A membership base is being initiated
International Peoples Conference Organization
International Truth Seekers are free to register their interest also

CLICK HERE - Totally Secure and Private Registration


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