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  1. #1
    THeel8's Avatar
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    What do you think is really going to happen?

    As we all know many people are very angry about what is happening with illegal immigration. Politicians are not listening or do not care about the average American. Realistically, what do you think the future holds? Are we going to solve the problem? How? I have heard talk about another revolution. Do you seriously think something that drastic will occur? I feel that sometimes this is what it must have felt like back in 1860. Just waiting for all hell to break out.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Theel8--I believe realistically that what you are hearing is in fact, where we are.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  3. #3
    ChrisF202's Avatar
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    Re: What do you think is really going to happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by THeel8
    As we all know many people are very angry about what is happening with illegal immigration. Politicians are not listening or do not care about the average American. Realistically, what do you think the future holds? Are we going to solve the problem? How? I have heard talk about another revolution. Do you seriously think something that drastic will occur? I feel that sometimes this is what it must have felt like back in 1860. Just waiting for all hell to break out.
    I like to think that it will never come to war for several reasons:

    1) Many Americans are still "asleep", especially in my generation (born since the mid 80's), and many people have been brainwashed by the liberal left into accepting this under the guise of "were all immigrants" and the related garbage.

    2) Most conflicts have had many years of dispute and prior violence. For example in Yugoslavia the conflict had been going on for hundreds of years becfore the early 1990's with violence on and off over the years. Here in the US most people are only starting to even admit there is a problem.

    3) Armed conflict with the illegal immigrants/gangs/Mexico would lead to armed conflict with our own government as they are obviously not on our side. That would end any violence in a very short amount of time as every one of us would be dead or on the run ... unless we somehow gathered an organized, trained military complete with modern weaponry, tanks, aircraft, etc. The bolt action hunting rifles and pistols that many of us own (if any weapons at all) cannot stop a M1 Abrams tank or an Apache helicopter. Unless we have the government on our side I would not suggest violence unless you have a death wish.

    4) It would be a civil war as not everyone will be on the same side. We will have Whites on both sides, Hispanics on both sides, some fathers on one side and some sons/daughters on another. It would be devestating and would destroy the economy and lots of people will die. Fighting will be vicious and many civilians would be harmed and brutality will occur.

    5) There is still hope for a peaceful conclusion, although time is rapidly running out. It all depends on if we can get people like Tom Tancredo into the White House and deport illegal immigrants and militarize the border. And the sad thing is, I think that by January 20th 2009 it will be to late if we can even get a Tancredo like guy in the WH in the 1st place.

    War with tanks, helicopters, airplanes, etc NO

    Guerilla war, major riots, etc YES, its only a matter of time unless we take back the White House and deport illegals and close the border.

  4. #4
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    Worst Case Scenarios

    First Scenario. One big National Security threat I see with the current situation, and view as more likely than the second scenario I describe here, is pretty simple to define. We KNOW that terrorists have been considering our southern border as an entry point, and have pretty good evidence that some have already entered that way. My personal opinion is the probability that terrorists have entered the southern border and are within our country NOW is around 95%. We KNOW that around 50 soviet suitcase nukes are unaccounted for. We KNOW how easy it is to cook up some form of bio-weapon. When tons of cocaine and pot are carried across the border every month, how hard to get a suitcase nuke, or 10 pounds of anthrax spores? For any individual who crosses, the odds are pretty high they will succeed... for any group sent across, the odds of one or more of that group being successful are almost 100%. While, in this scenario, Latin Americans are not the threat, they do provide very good cover for Mid.Easterners, since you could drop a Mid.Easterner in a group of Latin Americans, and until they opened their mouth, most of us could not tell the difference. This scenario could feasibly cost millions of lives.

    Second Scenario. Mexico has never, historically, been a friend of the U.S. While the history of the Mexican War and the Alamo, and even Pancho Villa are fairly well known, many are unaware of the fact that Mexico was cooperating with Germany and planned to declare war upon the U.S. Prior to our involvement in WWI, we intercepted a communique from Germany to the President of Mexico which confirmed to us that Mexico HAD indeed agreed to attack the U.S. This, not the sinking of the Lusitania which occured months earlier, is what prompted our Declaration of War upon Germany... at which time, the Mexican government reconsidered the wisdom of the agreement. Mexico, like Spain, was well known to have rubbed elbows with the nazis in WWII as well.
    Today, illegal aliens, mostly mexican, are crossing our borders at the rate of approx. 10,000 per day. That is the equvalent of an Army Brigade. How many of them could be mexican military personnel? We have no idea... maybe none, maybe a lot. It is likely that very few are actual military pesonnel, but it is not beyond possibility that many of them could be intended as an insurrection force of sorts. They are already here in our nation... the invasion is happening wthout a shot. Or maybe not.. since those who have died at the hands of illegal aliens could be viewed as the first casualties of whatever conflict it shapes up to be.
    Will some form of insurrection occur? Will it possibly become a pretense for declaration of Martial Law, suspension of civil rights, and the death of our republic as a new tyrrany comes into play? Or might we suddenly have a sort of "Night of the long knives", in which squads spread throughout our communites in a night, among an unaware and unsuspecting populace, who discover the next morning that most of our public officials and police have been murdered in their homes and the Mexican Military is crossing the border?

    While anyone may judge these scenarios as improbable... only a FOOL will judge them as impossible.

    While I am on the subject of probabilities.. give some thought to this even though it has nothing to do with what I wrote above. Many of us play the lotto on occassion.. betting a buck that MAYBE we could win. If we did not think it possible, we would never spend the buck on it. Well, your odds are better of being murdered by an illegal alien.. than of winning that lotto. Are you willing to bet with the lives of your children? There are many risks in this world, a lot of ways we can die, but there is no reason to live with those we can do something about.

  5. #5
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Everything is taking shape for a velvet political revolution in the country in 2006. As long as the system functions correctly that should take place if we organize enough people.

    Should the system fail to correct this massive imbalance between the public and the policy in 06, then I think all hell may break lose.

    For now, we must channel the energies of those that are angry into the civic and elections processes. We very well may be in a race against time in avoiding unrest. The lawmakers are starting to get the picture of how the public feels thanks to the efforts of hard working Americans.

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  6. #6
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    I think you're absolutely right, and hope it turns out that way (restoring the balance peacefully that is). My only real concern is that even if we vote them out of office, who is running against them? Would the people we replace them with be any different? Or is the game pretty much rigged so the OBL types take it no matter who wins?

    The worst case scenarios I listed above are if nothing gets done to fix the problem. Or at least I HOPE they are, and that a nuke is not already here.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    If the intent is to save the United States and avoid its dissolution, then it must be done in 2005.

    We will lose our rights by contract with other nations through the Security and Prosperity Partnership that is arranging 300 international "regulations" with Mexico and Canada. Each one of those will be subject to World Trade Organization judiciary dispute resolution and not American Law. Our US Constitution, our US Bill of Rights, our national and state laws will be irrelevant as these regulations will be managed by the Trilateral Commission and interpreted by the WTO and World Court. We will never know what the regulations are until we see them posted in the Federal Register.....after the fact. As soon as an authorized representative of the US Government, President, Cabinet Member, US Trade Representative signs them, they will be legally matter what the American People think, no matter what our US Constitution says, no matter what our principles, ideals or beliefs would otherwise dictate.

    We are presently....right now....being contracted out of existence. They will all be signed in the next few months and permanently binding on the American People.

    In otherwords, 2006 elections with new officials in 2007 will uite sadly be two years too late to save the United States from a Dissolution by the Executive Branch of the United States, legally.

    If we claim that the Executive Branch is not authorized to sign those agreements to dissolve the United States and that the acts were Treasonous, then we may have legal standing to void the agreements in the World Court. I believe the 5 US Supreme Court justices that voted in favor of the the Government in the Connecticut Case would vote to over-turn lower courts determinations of Treason. It doesn't matter who the next two US Supreme Court justices are at this point. The one being replaced voted for Citizens against the government. The next one to be replaced, if Rehnquist, will also be one who voted for Citizens against the government. Both O'Connor and Rehnquist voted for the citizens in Connecticut and are 2 of the 4 in the minority. Either their replacement will vote the same as they on such matters and maintain the 4, 1 justice short of saving the nation through the Supreme Court or they will add to the 5 and make it either 6-3 in favor of government or 7-2. Otherwise, it holds at 5-4 and the Executive Branch prevails with the dissolution of our nation by international merger.

    2006 is too late.

    We are in danger from many fronts, the most serious is the Executive Branch and the negotiations of trade and security regulations underway now that once signed will no longer be under American jurisdiction, but WTO jurisdiction. These agreements will validate open borders; uncontrolled migration into the United States; giving our colleges and universities to foreign nationals and forcing our kids to go to Mexico to get their educations. The plan includes in its early years increasing foreign student enrollment, JUST FROM MEXICO, to 60,0000 in American colleges and universities and sending 60,000 of American students to Mexico.

    There are 300 of these types of "regulations" being negotiated RIGHT NOW and as soon as they are signed, they will be binding on the American People. Trucking companies from both Mexico and Canada can freely enter the US Market, not only for international commerce, but local hauls as well. They will take by undercutting the rates, all the US Trucking Business away from the American Trucking Companies. If you are not familiar with the American Teamsters Union, that will be the first War. I'm sure the ports, dock-handlers, and busting the Longshoreman's Union will be a NUMBER ONE PRIORITY of these pacts which will allow Government Controlled Port Authorities to hire illegal aliens to run the ports. The US Military has already secured the right to hire and draft illegal aliens and so our military will become a foreign military whose objective is to protect and defend the Great Hemisphere, not the former United States. Local and state law enforcement will become part of the Homeland Security under the same security pacts and will be required to hire illegal aliens in exchange for federal funding. Their obective will not be to protect American Citizens, but protect the security as part of their obligations in exchange for federal funding to protect the mission of the Great Hemisphere. This means their jobs will be to protect the aliens entering rather than protect American Citizens. I think they already know this at certain levels which is why we see these bizarre "stand down" orders; see American Citizens thrown out of public events; see American Citizens "right to assemble" squelched in Denver and Baldwin Park; why we see an American Citizen arrested and locked up for 4 days in Arizona for his citizen's arrest of the 7 illegal aliens and 6 of the illegals released into society and the 1 charged with a simple "attempt to smuggle" who will plead guilty and cut a deal and be back in business in a 1 or 2 and fed well on our ticket in the interim.

    That is happening now. It will all be completed by September and become a matter protected by international law before the end of the year without any vote of Congress or any approval of the American People. It will all be subject to the laws of nations pertaining to the validity and enforcement of international trade and security "contracts".

    Until Americans wake up and pay attention to what the Executive Branch led by George Bush is doing and stop it, the train has already left the station and there is no turning back legally.

    Once the pact with Mexico and Canada is finalized, the adjoining nations to the south can be added to the pact in the same a game of Dominoes. As soon as a nation's borders touch a border with a nation in our Security and Partnership Pact, the same regulations can be extended all the way to Cape Hope and the entire Western Hemisphere of the World is now under the jurisdiction of the World Trade Organization with respect to all trade and security issues.

    Welcome to the game plan for OWG. But, ssssssh, don't tell anyone, they may think we're a bunch of quacks.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Steve's Avatar
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    Folks, the horse is already out of the barn.

    We already know there are 10-20 million illegal in the US in urban areas, rural areas, and even suburban areas. Do you think they are all going to go home without a fight?

    The Baldwin Park Momument video demonstrates what they will do just for a hunk of rock in a park...let alone an order to leave the country.

    Furthermore, there is an estimated 800,000 gang members in the US. 50% are estimated to be Hispanic (the group most likely to be illegals). That's 400,000 gangbangers!

    Now on top of this, you've got radicals telling these folks that this is THEIR LAND and that they are being OPPRESSED.... and to FIGHT BACK.

    Even if 90% would go home peacefully (which is wishful thinking), the other 10% equals for 1-2 million "insurgents." 1-2 million people can cause a lot of damage and kaos very quickly.

    The politicians have not wanted to deal with this hot potato because in some respects its like resolving the problem in North Korea...if you want to fix the can win...but its going to be somewhat bloody and a lot of cities will be burning.
    Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC

  9. #9
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Steve, there are 50,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States. You may have missed some of the research on this. There are 7,200,000 tax returns filed on April 15 by 7,200,000 illegal alien HOUSEHOLDS. That's almost 30,000,000. These are illegal households that use a tax id number issued specially for illegal aliens working illegally in the United States. This law was passed in 1996 under the Clinton Administration. The US Government already knows that there are over 30,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States from these records. This includes the workers, the spouse, and off spring. We also know these "households" provide refuge for others who are not filing returns--friends, cousins, relatives, brothers, sisters, grandmas, grandpas--who are not part of the household tax return. The tax return would only cover the head of household, spouse and children...not other relatives or friends.

    We also know that for at least every 1 illegal worker and family in the United States is another working cash under the table and NOT FILING TAX RETURNS. So add another 10,000,000 or so. We also know gang members, criminals, drug runners, smugglers, incarerated persons and the UNEMPLOYED ILLEGAL ALIENS hanging out on street corners looking for day work are not part of the register; do not get a TAX ID NUMBER or file a tax return as this would reveal their name , location and thus the police could find them. So add another 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 of these nationwide.

    Studying population a year ago, I came to the astonishing discovery that we had 50,000,000 extra people in the country that are not accounted for.

    By now the number is without a doubt 50,000,000 plus. Border Patrol told Sean Hannity that they miss 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 a year. How do they know? They take pictures of them with their equipment and count them. The first report Sean made was 5,000,000. The next day, apparently someone had called and told him to drop it down a bit and so now he reports it as 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 a year.

    So, we are to at least 54,000,000 to 55,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States whose mission is to take your job, your government, your home, your land, your future and end the United States.

    AND, they have the complete and total support of the United States Government all the way to the White House to achieve their mission. That is why they are here; they were invited; and will be supported by all government entities including state and local law enforcement in many areas of the country who already do support them and who will be required to support them if they continue to accept federal funds from the US Homeland Security Department.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  10. #10

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    IMHO, this issue hopefully has the potential of going straight to the top of national issues. Like no other issue, this one is explosive because it piviots elected politicians again us legal citizens who are tired of getting shafted. These sorry politicians are doing everything they can not to enforced the laws, turn a blind eye, and turn the other way in order to avoid facing this issue. The president 'guest worker' label of illegals is a joke and he knows it.

    Mr. President, if you will not be a positive influence on getting the immigration laws enforced, how about stepping aside so someone like Rep. Tancredo can do your job for you.

    You are a disgrace to us legals and we know you are protecting millions of illegals in this country. Some of your fellow Republicans want to be re-elected in 06 & 08. They are having a hard time defending your refusal to uphold and enforce the immigration laws.

    Your friendship with Fox in no excuse of your actions and inactions.
    I wonder how many illegals got their NC driver licenses renewed last week? President Bush needs to protect the borders not illegals. President Bush is a coward and guilty of treason when it comes to securing the borders.

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