Thanks Hylander:

This post has everything to do with immigration...


I first stated to answer this question in earnest about 10 years ago. It has led me down many roads of Constitutional usurpation. Along that way I have had the honor to met men that have worked hard to learn and share that learning. Every amendment has been usurped but how it has happened is the study. The 14th Amendment becomes center stage. Nearly every problem we have today in America can be directly traced back to the 14th.

One man that has become a good friend is Bruce Ray. He has a great web site that organizes his research. But one of his many analogies is that it was impossible for the 14th to be legally ratified and is therefore null and void. This would be a very quick solution to many of the problems we have today if this holds true. Bruce’s site

Another amazingly impassioned patriot has worked over 19 years studying and analyzing the same question of what has happened. He too has landed on the 14th Amendment. Though he has not analyze the invalidness theory of Bruce (they are working together now and that will be interesting) he holds that the 14th is illegal in usurpation and illegal use to usurp the rest of the Constitution and to plunge America into chaos.

With humbleness and thanks for his time and efforts… I offer this video. I hope you will take the time to watch this town hall talk by him of his political research and conclusions. His work is of vital interest to anyone who is also attempting to answer the constitutional questions of what happened. Thank You.

NCAR - John Ainsworth 1 of 9 short parts