Police Offficer Nick Erfle Shot And Killed By Illegal Alien Jaywalker - What The Hell Is Wrong With All Of You Americans?
By Digger

Police Officer Nick Erfle, 33 and father of two, was shot and killed during a routine stop of 3 jaywalkers disrupting traffic. One of the jaywalkers turned out to be illegal alien Erik Jovani Martinez, 22, with felony warrants for aggravated assault and false imprisonment. A gang member with a history of drug abuse, a conviction on auto theft in 2004 and who served prison time in 2006, Martinez had been deported in March 2006 and our joyful leaders against securing our southern border are clearly to blame for him making his way back into this country so easily.

Erik Jovani Martinez gave a false name which reported back an outstanding shoplifting charge. When officer Nick Erfle attempted to arrest Martinez he pushed Erfle to the ground, pulled out a gun and fired several shots into the officer hitting him in the face. Erfle was killed. Martinez then took a woman hostage when he carjacked her car and held a gun to her head when finally cornered. Officers took action and shot Martinez dead through the windows. One less scumbag, but at the price of the death of an American, the trauma inflicted on the woman taken hostage, the other officers and the eye witnesses to the event who were visibly shaken. And people complain about deporting people because we may be breaking up families...

* * * Language Warning * * *

I have held off on posting this for a day or so - and this may seem inappropriate with a post on the death of officer Erfle - because I really have become a little jaded at the American people. What the hell is wrong with all of you? This is not the first death of Americans or law enforcement at the hands of illegal aliens and it won't be the last. Why? Because I have come to realize, after covering this subject for so long, that the majority of you don't care. As long as it hasn't directly affected you then it's just a sad story and you move on with your little life in your little pathetic cube of existence. Harsh words? Yes, but I have come to realize that for the majority of you out there it is true.

Well let me tell you this, it's coming your way. Assuming that there are 15 million illegal aliens (a low number), based on the population of 300 million that is 1 in 20 people you pass everyday who is not only an illegal alien, but has broken the law at least once with impunity and probably 3 or 4 times using false ID and services like education in this country. How do you like living with all of these criminals? Do you like it? Because that's what you ****ing get for sitting on your ass and doing nothing, while upstanding people like Nick Erfle are gunned down on the streets by an illegal alien jaywalker. A freakin' jaywalker!

Wake the **** up already!

AZ Central:

Phoenix police Officer Nick Erfle survived two bouts of cancer to put back on his uniform and patrol the city's streets.

On Tuesday, a jaywalker shot him in the face and killed him.

"He's a hard charger. Even though he had a serious illness, he came back to work the streets as soon as he could," Sgt. Joel Tranter said.

"This will affect the officer's family and the Phoenix Police Department forever. . . . It will always be a loss."

The gunman, an illegal immigrant who had been deported last year, fled after shooting Erfle, commandeering a stopped car at gunpoint and ordering the motorist to drive. About an hour later, a Phoenix police tactical team surrounded Erik Jovani Martinez, 22, on a west Phoenix street and shot him dead as he pointed a gun at the hostage. The hostage was not hurt

What the **** is wrong with you people?! Get off your ass and demand action against illegal aliens now!

You can start showing your outrage by attending some rallies against these scumbag illegal aliens in our country.

And you can call your Senators (Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121) and telling them you're sick of this and it needs to end now.

Also how about attending those local community meetings held by your leaders that you've been ignoring for years? You better get off your ass and start going to them and demanding action before it is your husband, brother, mother, wife, sister, child or other loved one killed by these invaders from a foreign land.

Tipped by: Reader Lone Wolf and Immigration Watchdog who has a link to some video and other commentary.