How to debate when you're not on the side of God, the truth, and the right.

Or, "What I have learned by listening to O-bots."



Attack ad hominem.

Shoot the messenger.

Proclaim a half-truth, to give the half-lie credibility by association.

Build upon a fallacious or wrongly-decided precedent.

Demand the impossible, such as proof of non-existence of evidence.

Appeal to patriotism or the common good, in order to hide the dirty work and inconvenient lies. After all, the end justifies the means.

Charge psychopathic fixation: "Get over it, give it up, move on, don't go away mad... just go away."

Ridicule and sarcasm.

Cry "witch hunt" or "conspiracy theories," (even though a "conspiracy in fact" is not just a theory).

"It's already a done deal," a predetermined or foregone conclusion. "Resistance is futile." Jeer about the futility of even trying.

Reverse the charges. Accuse the prosecutor of that whereof he rightfully accuses the defender. Demand of the prosecutor that which he rightfully demands of the defender.

Vilify your opponent by comparing him to Stalin or Robert Mugabe. If the mud won't stick, just drop a few names of infamous detestables in close proximity to your opponent's name. (Don't use "Hitler", lest you give the game away.)

"Judge not that ye be not judged." Charge "judgmental" or "non-Christian" against those who demand truth and justice.

Insinuate, hint or accuse of racism.

Predict collateral damages or ancillary consequences for demanding justice ("and it will all be your fault").

Insinuate mental illness or being crazy, insane, ditzy, senile, etc.

Charge that they are wasting their time, as if it were not "their time" being wasted, but yours.

Hijack the topic, confuse the issue, or divert the debate to a similar but more favorable issue.

Never mind truth, and don't waste time talking to those who know. Use the ignorance of the masses to win them over without burdening them with learning the facts.

Attack the character of the true witnesses and vouch for the trustworthiness of the false witnesses.

Assign moral equivalence to both sides, as if "wrong" or "evil" deserves equal time to "right" or "good".

Mob rule: it doesn't matter what the rules are, just play the game the way we always do (and win).

Just outright lie, lie, lie. By repetition and sheer sensory overload, some will eventually believe it.

I'm sorry I was so slow to understand how this was done, but
"God, the truth, and the right" always spoke for themselves.