Since when did illegal aliens have the right to first-class representation by our Federal, State, and Local governments? It seems neither of the major political parties are interested in the concerns of the average American, only their own political and economic agendas. If the Republican and Democratic parties are hard of hearing, then we need to shout louder until they DO hear us or, if they refuse to listen, establish an effective third party that will represent Americans instead of those who do not belong here in the first place. This is all about the upper-classes of BOTH parties casting aside the interests of the middle and lower class Americans and pandering to possible future voters and alien "semi-slaves" who will work for them and their class for near nothing. Why have a minimum wage at all when all an employer has to do to circumvent the minimum wage laws is to hire an illegal? That's what it's about folks. SPEAK UP! The Democratic and Republican parties are just two wings on the same bird.