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  1. #11
    Senior Member BorderLegionnaire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Long Island, New York
    Yes enforce the laws, nab the employers that hire illegal aliens and impose large fines, halt all free government services on all levels, shut down all aiding groups like churches, etc, and secure our borders and ports of entries!

    If this was to be preformed perhaps America may thrive again! If tables don't turn and a NWO candidate gets in the White House in '08 the patriotic American will only have one more option! Let's just hope it doesn't come to that!!!
    Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.
    -Ron Paul

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    May 2006
    Five years down the road if nothing is done is a scary thought. In my town the anchor baby population is exploding. The local neighborhood elementary school near me just had a huge addition added on to it and they are crying for additions on all of the schools. What was once a small school is now taking up a whole block in town plus the schools have almost bought the whole block next to it for a playground and parking. The citizens here keep saying NO to bond issues because we know who we are paying for and also we have the fear that Tyson may leave town someday or get raided. If that happens most of our school age children would be gone and the citizens would be left to pay for the uneeded school space.

    Everywhere I look women are pregnant and/or have a toddler or two with them no matter how old they are. These people have babies until thankfully menopause hits to stop the madness. From what I've observed and seen most of this is done on our dime. I'm wondering how soon until they break the system completely and there is no money for the truely needy. But then again maybe that would be the solution. I for one am more than willing to help and support the truely needy citizens.

  3. #13
    JenniferB's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Thanks to websites like this, the word is getting out there, the truth is getting out to the American people. Everyone here is doing a tremendous job emailing news reporters, government officials, and so forth. If this continues, there is definitely hope that things will change! I know it's frustrating and easy to lose hope but I'm a fighter at heart here and thanks to ALIPAC, I'm much more educated as well!

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    We should be asking oursevles what life will be like . . .

    We should be asking ourselves what life will be like in the next Great Depression.

    The nation has many serious pressing problems, growing in number and severity; threatening the future and security of the nation.

    Can a nation commit suicide?

    Just look at history to get your answer.
    Many nations have risen and fallen.
    It is arrogant to think we are invulnerable.
    We are dying a death of a thousand cuts.

    And it is all because of the many manifestations of unchecked greed.

    Here's my prediction: I suspect we will have to learn the hard way (again).
    Pain and misery is a good teacher.
    Unfortunately, that source of motivation comes too late.

    When will the corruption and greed end?
    Probably (as usual) when the consequences of it become too painful.

    P.S. Anyone noticed the market volatility lately?
    Look out for inflation.
    To understand more about this and why it happens, click here (yet another of many symptoms all rooted in greed, and the failure to build systems and society with adequate transparency and accountability to battle the many manifestations of unchecked greed).
    Government will not become more responsible and accountable until the voters do too (provided they still have the right to vote). And that ain't gonna happen by repeatedly rewarding and re-electing irresponsible incumbent politicians and rewarding them with a cu$hy 90%-to-95% re-election rate, yearly raises, and perpetual incumbency . . . all while our troops go without body armor, adequate medical care, and promised beneifts, and the nation's pressing problems continue to fester and grow in number and severity.

  5. #15
    cousinsal's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    If you look back about 10 years, when I first started reading about this whole illegal thing, you can see that things have changed TREMENDOUSLY. Yes, we're frustrated, but people are finally realizing what the heck is going on, and they don't like it! We have come a LONG way in a decade - and things, unfortunately, take a lot of time - which some of us don't have, so we're doing it for the next generation of Americans.

    And, don't forget that WE, the citizens, totally blew up the shamnesty bill! We didn't give it a chance - I'll bet that would not have happened even 10 years ago, when less people were aware of what was going on.

    Well, in 5 years, according to the Mayans, the world will come to an end. So, if that happens, we won't be worried any more.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Yes, because the internet is helping to get the truth out...

    If you look back about 10 years, when I first started reading about this whole illegal thing, you can see that things have changed TREMENDOUSLY. . . . And, don't forget that WE, the citizens, totally blew up the shamnesty bill! We didn't give it a chance - I'll bet that would not have happened even 10 years ago, when less people were aware of what was going on.
    Yes, because the internet is helping to get the truth out, because the bought-and-paid-for Main Stream Media (MSM) won't. The MSM (excluding Lou Dobbs) has been delinquent for decades, and it is because they carry the water for their big-money backers. Heck, who owns the major MSMs?

    Well, in 5 years (2012), according to the Mayans, the world will come to an end. So, if that happens, we won't be worried any more.
    Interesting. I'm not sure I believe that, but it is not at all far fetched to see that the nation is in serious trouble, and our bought-and-paid-for, Do-Nothing politicians are ignoring most (if not all) of it.

    According to Mayan calendar, they believed that their world would end on Dec 21, 2012. Of course, there have been doomsdayers all along and many have obviously failed to be true. But, of all the dates put forth by prophets and cultures for a doomsday, the Mayans were quite lucky (perhaps coincidence) on some of their predictions, making this prediction interesting. What will it be? Nuclear War? A global cataclysm? A Yellowstone supervolcano eruption? An asteroid? A comet? A magnetic pole shift? Those things are all possible. And if any of those come to pass, they will make our illegal alien seem rather insignificant. Oh! 21-Dec is the day before my birthday. Bummer!

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