Call me cynical but I just can't bring myself to believe that no matter what changes we make in Congress, illegal immigration will still be left unchecked. One only need look back to the '86 amnesty and all the promises that illegal immigration would be stopped once and for all. That was 24 years ago! Did the problem go away to anyone's satisfaction? The answer is pretty obvious to anyone paying attention. The point I am trying to make is that all of us fighting this fight won't be around forever. How many years or generations are we willing to wait? Obviously, those fighting this back in 1986 have waited 24 years. Seems like 24 years is a little long to be waiting for our government to seriously address this issue wouldn't you say? Which leads me to the next question which is one of those "What If" scenarios. How long are WE willing to fight and wait for something to happen? Platitudes that we will "fight forever" or "as long as it takes" just don't cut it. That dog won't hunt anymore. We're fighting for the survival of our country and the clock is ticking. This is immediate and real. What IS that "something" we are waiting for? What IS our measure of success? WHEN will the measures be completed? WHO decides what that measure of success is? Should we not put some kind of time table with benchmarks in place? I'm no genius on how to solve Illegal Immigration in the political arena. Politics and politicians give me hives and occasional constipation. However, I've worked most of my professional life in the private sector and my job survived or failed on verifiable measures, actions and dates. Let's face it, our politicians and policies work in shades of grey, deliberately designed to keep us guessing and hoping by dangling one carrot or another in front of us that our wishes will be fulfilled before we're put in the ground. Want to know my feelings? I WON'T WAIT to be put in the ground to ensure that my children and grandchildren enjoy the AMERICAN Dream and have a better life than I had. Our forefathers wouldn't wait either. They were generations of action. They didn't stake their families future on lofty promises and platitudes. Let's hear from you fellow ALIPACER's. What's YOUR timetable, YOUR measures and YOUR actions? What are you prepared to do? What are WE prepared to do?