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  1. #11
    swtncgram's Avatar
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    dxd...if the Republicans pass this they deserve to lose the house and I would not feel a bit of remorse about it....that's hard for a Rep to say. The Dems wouldn't do any better, that is why I am ready to vote a different way other than the two major parties. Right now it seems we are between a rock and a hard place. Neither one of the parties have done much for me and I am not counting on them to do anything that needs to be done on this issue. They all need to bend over and let the American people kick what little brain power they have back up to their heads. Not one party will do what the American public wants, they are only concerned about the votes they will get so which of the two is the most evil.

  2. #12
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    I am really disappointed to see you guys thinking so monolithically. Yes, politicians carry and R or a D (or an I) next to their names, but this is not about "THE Republicans" or "THE Democrats." This is about each and every citizen's elected represntatives as individuals and how THEY INDIVIDUALLY have voted on this issue and what they can or cannot be counted on to do in the future.

    See, the powers that be count on you being simplistic and going into group-think mode. This absurd dualistic reductionism has been used for thousands of years to control the masses, yet here we are in the most advanced civiliztion ever still falling for the same old crap. There is an entire spectrum of options and possibilities, but as long as guys keep yourselves stuck in binary mode we will never win. We'll just keep continuing the cycle of voting out an R to punish the Ds, then turning around and voting out the D to punish the Rs. How does that get us anywhere? Keep the good and throw out the bad. If there is no "good," but only the lesser of two evils, then vote outside the parties and, more importantly, get out there and campaign for that third party or true independent you believe to be best suited for the job. The only thing that will keep you from succeeding is believing that you cannot succeed.

  3. #13
    dxd is offline
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    You make 2 good points that tie together.

    RE:if the Republicans pass this they deserve to lose the house and I would not feel a bit of remorse about it

    I agree completely.

    RE:Right now it seems we are between a rock and a hard place.

    Only if we agree to be. There are a lot of patriots and activists working hard through out the nation on this issue but we must not work to support the problem we must work to solve the problem and in doing this we will chip away that rock and hard place and we will win. But if we continue to support the problem not only will we be between that rock and hard place forever we will be supporting being between the rock and hard place.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dxd

    You make 2 good points that tie together.

    RE:if the Republicans pass this they deserve to lose the house and I would not feel a bit of remorse about it

    I agree completely.

    RE:Right now it seems we are between a rock and a hard place.

    Only if we agree to be. There are a lot of patriots and activists working hard through out the nation on this issue but we must not work to support the problem we must work to solve the problem and in doing this we will chip away that rock and hard place and we will win. But if we continue to support the problem not only will we be between that rock and hard place forever we will be supporting being between the rock and hard place.
    What if the majority of votes for a bad bill are from the Dems, with the majority of Republicans voting against it? Will you call for the blanket ouster of the disruptive minority party, or are you just a DNC flack?

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    mexico by the mountains
    Other than the immigration issue a blood letting by conservative republicans would make me jubilant. They would not know what was good for working Americans if you wrote it down for them.

    They are the pawns of the rich and I say good riddance.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jrhino
    Other than the immigration issue a blood letting by conservative republicans would make me jubilant. They would not know what was good for working Americans if you wrote it down for them.

    They are the pawns of the rich and I say good riddance.
    That's just silly. Unless you are a slacker or a layabout, the GOP is likely to leave more money in your pockets than do the tax and spend redistribution-happy socialist Dems. Back when El BJ and his fellow Dems were running the show back in the '60s, there was a top confiscatory tax rate of 70%. I don't care how riddled with class envy you are, a 70% tax rate on ANYONE'S earnings is criminal. Thank God Almighty that the Reagan Revolution came along and got tax rates down to still-excessive but at least less-than-criminal.

    Where people get the idea that they deserve part of someone else's earnings is entirely beyond me. This country was damned to a future of petty class squabbles the minute we allowed the federal government to circumvent the prohibition on an unapportioned direct tax. Since then we have slid into the abyss of the "democracy" that was roundly rejected by this nation's founders. This nation was intended to be a free constitutional republic with democratic representation, NOT a democracy. I'm certain it has been said here before, but democracy is just a fancy word for mob rule. As someone else here previously pointed out, it's two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

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