May 1st is coming up next Sunday. The Illegals will be out in force marching in the
streets. Last year Houston patriots managed to muster a pitiful 50 people
who stood up against 7,000 illegals and their supporters in counter protest.

Illegals and their supporters will be stomping on Houston streets, waving Mexican
flags and, even more offensive, American flags while shouting for rights in Spanish
like spoiled brats May 1st at Burnett Bayland Park at 2pm.

I believe illegal immigration is one of the biggest threats to our nation and way of life.
While the Tea Party and conservative base is focused on stopping our government's
socialist agenda and the collapse of our economy. Illegal aliens and their supporters
are pulling a flanking maneuver on us. There are only a handful of us willing to stand
up to them and who are sounding the alarm on deaf ears. Those in power are bent on
giving the illegals amnesty, rights and worst of all our hard earned tax dollars while the
illegals laugh in our face, call us racists and tell us "we are here and we're not leaving"
in Spanish. The only thing that's stopping them is the few of us who are putting up a fight.

The other side is organised, they have a big budget, They're supported by La RAZA,
SEIU, the communist party, the socialist party, local spanish radio, the Nation of Islam, I've seen
their banners at past May Day rallies and heard a black Islamic leader tell them that the
Hispanics need to join forces with the black community to throw the white Europeans off of
this continent. It's treason, insidious and darkly evil. They're being bussed in from all over
the city if not the state. I counted at least 8 busses parked across the street from us last

the Tea Party can get 10,000 people to a racetrack twice a year for a "safe" pep rally and
we put up a paltry pitiful 50 people to stand against an invasion!!?? And
that was on a Saturday for crying out loud!! There's no excuse for it!!

There a too few people willing to roll up their sleeves and get down in the trenches and
stare illegals and their supporters in the face and say "You shall not pass". What's
it gonna take to get Johnny lunchbox off his ass, get off the couch, go out and brave the
heat and stand up to them before it's too late?

I'm willing take a Sunday evening away from my family, spend my hard earned money
on gas, water, signs and video tape, to stand on a corner in the barrio,
get flipped off, called a racist and a bunch of other nasty things, probably
have things thrown at me (it's happened), yell untill my throat's sore in
the heat because I love my country and want my son to have a future
and I cannot abide by the idea of seeing my community reduced to
a third world culture all in the name of politcal correctness and the
socialist ideal of "fairness" and a Democratic voter base.

Please if there's a rally near you get in touch with your local anti-illegal
immigration group and get out there and tell the illegals a resounding NO
(which translates the same in Spanish).
