I have an internet "friend" that I occasionally chat with. She lives in Uraguay, and recently visited the US. I didn't see her or email her while she was here, but when she got back home I asked her how her trip was.

She told me she asked for a 3 month Visa, but they gave her 6 months.

She has an advanced education, she teaches at a college level, and wouldn't be picking tomatoes for $16 an hour. She is considering moving here permanantly, but wants to come legally, and made some initial inquiries about how that would be possible.

Get this! They told her that immigration wouldn't even look for her. Mainly they crack down on lower income workers, and because "we need" people who can teach at a college level, it was improbable that immigration would ever bother to come pick her up.

She had no idea that my mouth was dropping open when I read that...