I have been pondering a quandary that American Citizens have relating to the issue of illegal immigration (foreign invasion). Ironically, we are having our hands tied by the very government that is allowing all of us to have our rights as American citizens violated daily. For example, if any patriotic American were to take civil action to physically stop or hinder illegal entry into the U.S. by a foreign national, we would most likely be fined and/or jailed. The horrible irony here is that, in the case of illegal invasion, our government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people is not really what it presumes to be at all. It is a government of treason against the very citizens that it was formed to protect and defend. In effect, we are being told, that We The People have no right to defend our country and uphold our constitutional rights. This, by definition, would no longer be a constitutional republic but a dictatorship ruled by a group conspiring in their own self interest. The question that I would pose: is a country that no longer has a representative government of the people, bound by the laws that now threaten their sovereignty, civil rights and existence? In simpler terms, when do the American people rightfully fearing for the safety and future of their families stand up and say, "Enough is Enough"?