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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2004


    Worldviews and Perspectives


    The Public Never Knew What Happened

    There is so much rampant relativism in America today that only the few who care about the future of this nation and the heritage that made it a once great nation understand that the liberty of which we are so zealous is as fictitious as Santa Claus, perhaps more so.

    As a nation filled with IRS-beholden churches whose preachers cannot involve themselves in the political morality of the day, or the ethics dictated by the Christian faith, or even the public displays of the symbols of our faith lest some be offended and take matters to court, we are filled with churchians who agree with whatever our government says about God, even to whether He exists. We should be a nation of fiery pulpits rather than teachers who tickle ears for the sake of building membership numbers and bowing to the dictates of the tolerance and diversity peddlers whose influence is manifest everywhere. Sadly, we are not a nation of fiery pulpits but of merchandisers of a feel-good religion with bigger buildings and smaller messages of little to no import, and barely a word of true Gospel.

    We're not ashamed to tell the pollsters (however they do polls) that we're Christian, but we're very afraid to tell our neighbors or to follow the commands of the Lord who died for our sins and rose for our justification. In fact, we just might not be too sure that this faith is "the way, the truth and the life" as the Master said, of Himself and His Church. And even if we really more or less believe, we can't fight the old city hall, whether it be in Podunk or Washington, D.C. We might get in trouble with the government that teaches a separation of church and state as "constitutional" when that phrase isn't even in the Constitution (go read it, it's on the internet, you might even be astonished that most of our laws are unconstitutional).

    These are days when it can be dangerous to be a Christian in America.

    These are days when it can be dangerous to be an honest and law-abiding unbeliever if such leads to speaking out against the corruption of the system that stifles honest capitalism in favor of multinational, globalist elitism.

    These are days when people no longer feel they can speak their minds, they're afraid of their neighbors and even their relatives. The people live in fear, and older folks can recall a time, just over forty years ago, when no American had to live in fear of what they believed within the basics of the laws of any civil society ... laws against murder, assault, pedophilia, sodomy, and others that were generally believed to be the skeleton laws needed by a free society to rein in sociopaths who would do harm to all. Free speech wasn't public obscenity but the freedom to speak out against the ills that creep into any social order through the sinful nature of man and the penchant of the strong to grind the weak under their heels. After all, this was American, where all men were created equal under the laws of the land, as enumerated in our founding documents and locally enacted (and at times rescinded) laws by our elected representatives. We are and always have been a federal republic, not a "democracy."

    Don't even try to tell me this is a free country. The tactics employed by the snoopers, the courts, the men in black uniforms who look more like space aliens than humans, and the persecutors who misuse the law to prod the population into submission by the devil's tactics of manipulation, intimidation and domination speak more of a totalitarian government than Red China's uniformed guards. We're just more subtle about the fact that the government has taken away the freedom of the press, the freedom of the representatives elected to office, and the entire Bill of Rights that allows the people to dictate to the government how we, the people, shall be governed and by whom.

    More money has been poured into education than any other effort than perhaps defense or that sinkhole for taxpayer dollars called "Medicare" which is a good intention gone to pave the highway to debtor's Hell.

    We fell into liberalism, which some have described as a mental illness and well it may be.

    We have two political parties and they both scare the daylights out of anyone who has looked into the erasure of our national borders, the dilution of our European cultural heritage (along with the destruction of Europe's Christian and nationalistic cultural heritage). It scares the average person to know how much we don't know about what is happening to us. It is even scarier to have to depend on the internet press corps, a loose coalition of patriots, some with valid and careful observations and others with wild sensationalism to add to the fear factor.

    The advertisers know what people feel they're missing, so we get repetitive catchwords like empower, control, manage, take charge and others that tell any cautious observer that those words hit a nerve because we've lost all feeling that we have any control over our lives, our future, our nation, the world that was to be built for the sake of the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

    What happened?

    Liberalism crept into every strategic office and every meaninful area of our lives from the highest offices in the land to the smallest classroom. What was meant to integrate has divided. What was meant to educate has come to indoctrinate.

    What was once the path to building a better America became the road to globalist control of the masses under a system even Stalin would envy.

    Years without having to defend liberty on our native soil, which we should have been doing rather than trusting our politicians and the do-gooder coverups euphemistically named "non-governmental organizations" to preserve sucker fish and cone snails while grabbing off land for United Nations control has left us comfortable, wimpy, fearful, weak, bowing to the Baals of government's making and elitist control while deviously persuading Christians that they must accept all sinners and their sins out of love. The public at large of whatever or no religious persuasion must accept vaccination regardless of the poisons it inserts into the systems of children too young to absorb such chemicals. The elderly are victims of the "I, me, my and mine" syndrome that says family is an obligation under the supervision of the state, and if the elderly are in the way, then they must be shifted off to old-age cages where they can die from something they never had until they arrived there.

    When we were free as a nation under God, we had less disease, less crime, more respect for authority that deserved respect, and a moral compass that is now somewhere in the bowels of Atlantis.

    Do not ask the way to correct things. Too many people know and far too many are afraid it might disrupt their comfort zones.

    Of course, Christians could return to their faith once delivered and pray, having in many cases forgotten the power and privilege of prayer.

    My country fell to the liberals, the crumbling began publicly in the 1960's but it wasn't outright oppression until the 1990's. Now illegal aliens have more rights than citizens, courtesy of a renegade government and a sold out political machine.

    Perhaps a new generation of Mr. Smiths needs to come to Washington and to every state capitol, idealists who don't give up and say it's too big for all of us. After all, dominators are bullies, and bullies are just cowards who are able to convince the majority that they have the power, when it is we who have it and let them steal it.

    It just depends on whether comfort is more important than integrity, and whether liberty was worth the price it once commanded.
    Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Did you catch the news item about the MPAA giving a Baptist-backed film a PG rating rather than the expected G rating because it had too much Christianity in it? No joke!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    It is a trave-sham-mockery!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Upstate NY
    Great article, while I think the problem goes much deeper than just liberalism I agree with most of what you said. If I had to put a name on the problem, I'd go with internationalism/globalism and cabalism - it's a world order that insidiously permeates both left and right, and long predates the 1960's under the guise of many names, it's all essentially phariseeism.

    You familiar with Chuck Carlson's work at all? He's written many good peices on "churchianity", Scofieldism, etc.,
    The American Conservative

    Bail out families, not usurers and speculators.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2004


    We are being assaulted on so many fronts it is mind boggeling. There are forces out there, and I do not know who, that are hell bent on destroying this country.

    I am so totally dissapointed with the primary here in Alabama. We had candidates that could have made a difference. Unfortunately, the people that are determined to destroy this country prevailed.

    I really had faith in my home state to stand and do the right thing, to show the rest of the Country that we know what is happening. Unfortunately, the dumbing down process has sadly permiated my state. This is truly sad. Our constitution states freedom of religion, however, it now seems to exclude christianity.

    Why is this? Because christianity does not sit well with the elitist or the United Nations agenda. This is not hard to see.

    I pray that God will still protect this country, however, given the total lawlessness and total lack of faith, I am not very hopeful.

    I am not a church go'er but I have my faith and you do not have to be in a church to pray nor believe.

    I will not give up!
    Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Brotherjohn

    Quote Originally Posted by ohflyingone
    We are being assaulted on so many fronts it is mind boggeling. There are forces out there, and I do not know who, that are hell bent on destroying this country.

    I am so totally dissapointed with the primary here in Alabama. We had candidates that could have made a difference. Unfortunately, the people that are determined to destroy this country prevailed.

    I really had faith in my home state to stand and do the right thing, to show the rest of the Country that we know what is happening. Unfortunately, the dumbing down process has sadly permiated my state. This is truly sad. Our constitution states freedom of religion, however, it now seems to exclude christianity.

    Why is this? Because christianity does not sit well with the elitist or the United Nations agenda. This is not hard to see.

    I pray that God will still protect this country, however, given the total lawlessness and total lack of faith, I am not very hopeful.

    I am not a church go'er but I have my faith and you do not have to be in a church to pray nor believe.

    I will not give up!
    Ohflyingone, because there are so many like yourself, I do not believe that God will allow this nation to utterly fall. I do expect it to suffer the afflictions brought on by its incerasing arrogance and godlessness, though.

    I am troubled as are the posters above who cite phariseeism as rampant in our churches today. In far too many cases, what is preached in the name of Christianity is an utter counterfeit. How else is one to explain overhearing women discussing their horoscopes on the church lawn immediately following the sermon? How else to explain the relativism that convinces a regular churchgoer that he can dabble in sufism or spiritism and still be a faithful Christian? How else to explain the elevation of humanism (the doing of "good deeds" for one's fellow man) above devotion to Lord and Saviour?

    There have been times as these before, but for the first time since the death and resurrection of the Christ, Christianity is in global decline. Scientism and humanism have relegated it to the status of pop tradition, practiced with a nod and wink to the unerring "truth" of the science of man's own making in place of unwavering faith in the words of the Creator. Israel rose and fell and Judah rose and fell. In the depths of Judah's unfaithfulness, even the Persians came to accept the true God under Zarathustra, but they too backslid into Babylonian polytheism. But all these were before the Light of the Saviour. If this present light flickers, there may be no more chances at societal redemption.

  7. #7
    Senior Member nittygritty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I am with you 100%!
    Build the dam fence post haste!

  8. #8
    Senior Member MopheadBlue's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005

    You forgot "sowing and reaping."

    "Planting good seed in good soil."

    "Seed faith"

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    The irony of Christian conservatives following the obviously liberal Jesus is hilarious.
    [*] Jesus let a woman who had committed adultery go free.
    [*] He said that people like Oral Roberts and Jerry Falwell, who make money off the Church, have made the house of worship a "den of thieves".
    [*] Jesus insists that his followers all sell what they have and give it all to the poor, before they can gain the Kingdom of Heaven.
    [*] Jesus said taxation was O.K.
    [*] Jesus opposed divorce. The lowest divorce rate in the country is "liberal" Massachussets, and four of the six states with the highest divorce rates fall in the region known as the Bible Belt.

    I have to admit, I've never understood how Christians toss the word "liberal" around like it was acid, not ever realizing that Jesus was the first and model liberal. He gave to the poor, helped the sick and wanted to take care of everyone. Just like those loathed liberals. Hmmmm.

    There is so much rampant relativism in America today that only the few who care about the future of this nation and the heritage that made it a once great nation understand that the liberty of which we are so zealous is as fictitious as Santa Claus, perhaps more so.

    We're not ashamed to tell the pollsters (however they do polls) that we're Christian, but we're very afraid to tell our neighbors or to follow the commands of the Lord who died for our sins and rose for our justification.
    What in the world could possibly be stopping you?

    We might get in trouble with the government that teaches a separation of church and state as "constitutional" when that phrase isn't even in the Constitution (go read it, it's on the internet, you might even be astonished that most of our laws are unconstitutional)

    Jesus died on the cross for you and you're afraid of getting into "trouble with the government?" Wow...

    You ARE correct when you say that the *phrase* "separation of church and state"does not appear in the Constitution. The *words* "a wall of separation between church and state" are not found in our Constitution. Neither are the words "separation of powers;" "right to travel;" "freedom of association;" or "religious liberty" found in our Constitution. This does not mean that those concepts are not embodied in our Constitution. The words "wall of separation between church and state" are the words of Thomas Jefferson. So which laws are unconstitutional?

    These are days when it can be dangerous to be a Christian in America.
    Dangerous?! How so?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I just want to know exactly when George Bush went to sleep and woke up Jimmy Carter?
    "Let my name stand among those who are willing to bear ridicule and reproach for the truth's sake." -- Louisa May Alcott

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