Any liberal worth his or her weight in anti-Bush bumper stickers will tell you that being bilingual is essential in order to live a life of culture and sophistication.

Argue with a liberal against bilingual education in favor of English immersion, for example, and you will find yourself labeled as a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, uneducated right-wing conservative.

After listening to that drivel for years, I finally asked for an explanation about the liberal double standard on this issue.

To wit, if non-Hispanic Americans are racist for favoring English , are Hispanics who insist on using Spanish also racist, or even more so because they reside in a nation where English is the predominate language?

And further, Mrs. Diversity Queen, if being bilingual is so terrific, why are you and leftist goons of your ilk not sharing that good news with your Hispanic pals?

She stared blankly and uttered one word: Que?