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  1. #1
    WhenItsWearingHudsucker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Where is the IRS?

    Isn't any business who hires an illegal committing tax fraud (a felony)?

    Especially if they are hiring illegals for cash, they are not witholding taxes or SSI or medicare. I assume they are also not contributing to workman's comp or emplyment insurance.

    Maybe if we sent some business owners to jail, the word will get around that hiring illegals is no longer cost effective.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    was Georgia - now Arizona
    You can download IRS Form 211 from the IRS website to turn in employers of illegals. The best part is getting a reward from them if your info is good.

  3. #3
    KickEmOut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Rural N. CA
    Welcome WhenItsWearingHudsucker!

    Tax fraud, aiding a criminal, any business who hires them is probably violating many laws. But laws are only effective if they are enforced.
    And no one seems to be interested in enforcing the laws we already have. That's why the "immigration reform" laws being discussed by the Senate and the White House is a joke. Just enforce the laws we already have.
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  4. #4
    WhenItsWearingHudsucker's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    Thanks for the welcome.

    I realize the problem is that the snake is rotting from the head. I just wish I could understand what the President's motivations are. He almost seems like it is his goal to destroy the Republican party, and the Senate republicans are intent to do the same.

    Really, this is an issue the dems should support, since it affects the people they claim to be their base (poor people). Illegal immigrants allow wages to dip for the people at the low end of the wage spectrum, since displacement from one unskilled job means more are avaialble in the others. The dems will preach on about raising the minimum wage and other nonsense, but the one thing that would force wages up, they are against.

    Where are the leaders from either party?

  5. #5
    KickEmOut's Avatar
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    Rural N. CA
    I had been a lifelong Republican. I can't begin to tell you how I feel about the party now. I feel betrayed by them. I'm never felt good about the Democrats...seemed they have wanted a welfare state all along. Now we have one, but it's a welfare state for the illegals. That just ticks me off even more. I'm voting third party. It can't be any worse that what we've got now. Both major parties have forgotten who they are SUPPOSED to work for. That being US.
    The decision to absolutely change parties came when I learned the US government was sending location info to the Mexican government about our brave Minutemen.
    This is reminiscent of 1776, isn't it??!!
    <div>Want some ICE with that cervesa?</div>

  6. #6
    WhenItsWearingHudsucker's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    It took you a lot longer than me.

    I was a lifelong republican, I remember being a reaganite at 8. I worked my entire life to help the republicans and dreamt of them taking over, and was happy until Bush II came to power.

    Shortly after he signed the leave every taxpayer behind and the senior drug plan, I was against him. His stand on immigration almost amounts to treason, in my opinion, but the bloom fell off his rose along time ago.

    Now, I want the Republicans to fail and be swept out of power. I still hate the democrats more, but at least they didn't give me false hope for 20 years of my life that things would be different if only they were in charge of everything. Somehow, everything became worse.

    Really, the fault is probably the democrats though. They have gotten so bad, that no one who has any bit of sanity would vote for them, so the republicans do not even have to try. Its like a world class runner against a one legged senior citizen. Just walk the course and you still win big.

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