These Senators Still Waffling on Vote on DREAM Amnesty

(September 21) Today, the Senate is debating H.R. 1585, the Defense Department authorization bill for fiscal year 2008. At some point during the debate, open-borders senators may attempt to attach three proposals that, when taken together, would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and dramatically increase the importation of foreign workers at a time 10 million Americans are looking for jobs and can't find employment.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has not announced when a vote will occur on the DREAM Act amnesty amendment (now SA 2919). Reid did announce, however, that no more votes will occur this week, and that the Senate will hold only one vote today on an unrelated defense matter. In other words, any potential vote on SA 2919 will not occur until next week.

It will take 41 NO votes to kill this amnesty. Currently, only 21 Senators are telling their constituents that they will vote NO on the amnesty.

The following Senators have made a firm commitment to vote NO on SA 2919, the DREAM Act amnesty amendment (Refresh page to ensure you have most up-to-date list.)
Alabama: Sessions; Shelby
Colorado: Allard
Georgia: Chambliss; Isakson
Kansas: Roberts
Kentucky: Bunning; McConnell
Louisiana: Vitter
Mississippi: Lott
Missouri: Bond
North Carolina: Burr; Dole
Oklahoma: Coburn; Inhofe
South Carolina: DeMint; Graham
South Dakota: Thune
Tennessee: Alexander; Corker
Wyoming: Enzi


The senators in this first list voted NO on the Comprehensive Amnesty in June, but have not yet pledged to vote NO on the DREAM Act amnesty.

Phone them by contacting the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Alaska: Murkowski, Stevens
Arkansas: Pryor
Florida: Martinez
Idaho: Crapo
Indiana: Bayh
Iowa: Grassley, Harkin
Kansas: Brownback
Louisiana: Landrieu
Maine: Collins
Michigan: Stabenow
Minnesota: Coleman
Mississippi: Cochran
Missouri: McCaskill
Montana: Baucus, Tester
Nebraska: Nelson (Ben)
Nevada: Ensign
New Hampshire: Sununu
New Mexico: Bingaman, Domenici
North Dakota: Dorgan
Ohio: Brown, Voinovich
Oregon: Smith
South Dakota: *Johnson
Texas: Cornyn; Hutchison
Utah: Hatch
Vermont: Sanders
Virginia: Warner, Webb
West Virginia: Byrd, Rockefeller
Wyoming: Barrasso

(Senators in Bold print have pledged to vote YES on the amnesty.)
(Offices of Senators in green are consistently telling their constituents that they will vote NO on the amnesty but are declining to pledge a NO vote officially, meaning they still need more phone calls.)

* Did not vote in June


The senators noted below supported amnesty in June and show every sign of voting for amnesty again this week. They have been blasted all summer for their anti-American worker, pro-lawlessness stance. Perhaps your phone calls today can help them decide against voting for amnesty again.

Arizona: ; McCain
Arkansas: Lincoln
California: Boxer, Feinstein
Colorado: Salazar
Connecticut: Dodd, Lieberman
Delaware: Biden, Carper
Florida: Nelson (Bill)
Hawaii: Akaka, Inouye
Idaho: Craig
Illinois: Durbin, Obama
Indiana: Lugar
Maine: Snowe
Maryland: Cardin, Mikulski
Massachusetts: Kennedy, Kerry
Michigan: Levin
Minnesota: Klobuchar
Nebraska: Hagel
Nevada: Reid
New Hampshire: Gregg
New Jersey: Lautenberg, Menendez
New York: Clinton, Schumer
North Dakota: Conrad
Oregon: Wyden
Pennsylvania: Casey, Specter
Rhode Island: Reed, Whitehouse
Utah: Bennett
Vermont: Leahy
Washington: Cantwell, Murray
Wisconsin: Feingold, Kohl

(Senators in Bold print have pledged to vote YES on the amnesty.)