As the President sells the senate, he is selling us out!

The dissatisfaction level increases but he and other officials fold to the sway of the Presidente Fox. One wonder what stakes the leaders of our country, be it in the top down to the bottom in leadership, has to gain from such a move? Being so complacent to accept these illegal rabble rousers, what is in it for them? All those that promise that they will be our “problem solvers” will never hold up to their words.
After the November election all promises will be null and void! Momentum to promise us the world and settle this issue will be swept under the rug, and out the door.
I think we should in force the laws that Congress has passed, every venue possible, to find ways to close our borders. Look at what is being done in Texas, One Sheriff took charge of his little corner of the invasion territory ~ ~ ~ he found a way to deter immagrants by simple abiding by their new law passed in December. to make it a felony to illegally enter this country. Remember a felony charge keeps you from becoming a citizen, WOW!!!! Isn’t that great? Such a simple solution!!
I think it is a good idea and sends a message to the invaders! W hat Sheriff Arpio in Mara Copa County, Texas is doing, is changing their attempts and not harboring them!
He arrest the illegal immigrants, and charge them with a felony this in turn, prevents them from ever becoming a citizen of the United States!
He is a defender of the American People and so should we be! What avenue can we find? What difference can we make? If every official along the U.S. Border would arrest them and charge them with a felony we would be on our way to reforming this flow of immigrants from ever having a home here illegally!