By Dave Weinbaum

It should be pretty obvious that President Obama and his Dem-run congress want no part of what most of America is screaming for: A free republic with a smaller government footprint not the enormous one currently stomping anyone in its path.

According to Rasmussen Polls, 71% of voters say they are angry at the government and 46% describe themselves as very angry.

Reversals from the Obama 2008 juggernaut were huge in Virginia and leftist New Jersey , yet the Dems in charge don't care. The leaders will knowingly sacrifice their own Dem Reps and Senators in upcoming races as long as it doesn't personally affect them and they're confident they can still eke out a majority. Dems are about to pass legislation their constituents are overwhelmingly against. Rasmussen Polls show 53% of voters are against Obamacare while 62% object to single payer government HC takeover, placed either by hook or trigger in the Senate and House plans.

Then there's the Cap and Trade blackmail game being played by the EPA set to dictate carbon dioxide as congress and Obamaites pull the strings, based on the global warming scam.

The threat?

Better legislate or the EPA will kill the economy! The Heritage foundation predicts the loss of 800,000 jobs and $7 Trillion in lost GNP by 2029 if the EPA is allowed to wreck the economy.

Two days ago, the Gallup poll revealed a 47% voter approval for President Obama, the week after he received an upward tic for belatedly committing 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan . Just 30% of voters think the country is going in the right direction. Twenty percent of voters are in favor of impeaching Barrack Obama!

The rating showed Obama to be the most unpopular president since WW2 at this time in his first term.

A Public Policy Poll reveals 44% of voters would rather have Bush than Obama

Obama is leaking voters from almost everywhere, independents, RINOS and moderate Dems.

While his secular and black base remain intact, even that most loyal of groups is fraying, threatening to unravel. The Afghanistan surge caused crucial support stress amongst the progressives as codified by Michael Moore's letter in opposition to the war and threat of abandonment to Obama.

Black leaders from Jesse Jackson, Representative John Conyers, the President and Founder of the Black Chamber of Commerce Harry C. Alford and the Congressional Black Caucus are sounding off against Obama:

* Referring to the continued bank bailouts by the Obama Administration Jackson opined: "On the black and brown side is where the water came in the boat …A rising tide will not lift those boats stuck at the bottom …"

* Conyers, 80, and the second longest serving Representative in the House, said the President called and asked him to " …stop demeaning him …" mainly on his objections to Obama's escalation of the Afghanistan war and his neglect in killing the Patriot Act.

* Alford wants to know why the president is ignoring small businesses owned by blacks who employ other blacks. He notes that black unemployment is 90% higher than the rest of the jobless.

* The Congressional Black Caucus recently complained to Obama about his neglect for the black community. Representative Barbara Lee pointed out that 24% of blacks live in poverty and are 55% more likely to be unemployed than whites.

Apparently Obama's love affair with unions in general and Andy Stern and his SEIU thugs are much higher on the political food chain than poor blacks. So much for the savior who was to pay off black mortgages, put poor blacks into green cars and find them jobs.

You see, Obama is aligned with SEIU because he likes the fact that they find jobs for illegals from all over the world (not just Mexico) right here in the good ole' USA. This meets the universal ambitions of Barack. Gee, wonder which segment of the population those jobs compete with, Representative Lee.

While this is happening, the local chapter of the NAACP hasn't uttered a syllable about what's happening to blacks, at least none that I've seen. They are more concerned about attacking me for justly pointing out that fanatics in Islam have hijacked that religion. Maybe they're confused about what their name stands for.

Time to send the Barackocrats to the unemployment lines. 2010 elections are a mere 10 months away. 2012 is getting closer and closer.

Americans you'll have your chance to topple this Socialist/Marxist aristocracy currently trying to usurp your country.

Don't ever be fooled again.

http://www.jewishworldreview.com/dave/w ... 21109.php3