I find Aztlans attitude more sinister because they are highly anti-Semitic.

As a Christian it is my belief that the Land of Israel was set aside by God, specifically for the Jewish people. Period. There is not exception to this.

Did anyone ever see the movie about Corrie Tenboom, Dutch woman, her family helped hundreds of Jewish people to escape the Nazi's?

Her father had been at the forefront of their efforts and had said in reference to the Jewish people that "they are the apple of God's eye". He said they had an obligation to reach out and help.

In this same thought I believe that when America allows groups like this Aztlan to brandish huge anti-Jewish ideologies we are just asking for trouble.

But of course there is the subject at hand, the idea that they believe that they are the rightful owners of the portion of the United States that never has belonged to them, that needs to be dealt with, by our government.

They seem to think that American citizens will stand by and just let them continue down this path. Notwithstanding the huge amount of Americans that are waking up to this mess, and realizing we will not put up with anymore.