Kevin James! [M-F: 9p-11p PT]
Almost as good as Terry Anderson..! ..and ALWAYS entertaining!
Kevin's Page: Link to KRLA's Stream--> this link is faster to Terry Anderson's show too..
KRLA Stream
KRLA 870 AM Los Angeles!
CALL:866.870.KRLA [5752]
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7.31.08 Tonight's Guest/Topic:

Listen in..! ..hope ALL of you are having a good one..! ..wish Kevin had podcasts, but typing can be fun too.. ..check out his page..! completing Kevin’s [& Terry's] past segments, it's best to just LISTEN..! ..slowly pecking away at them Hey Utah: Jason Chaffetz [pronounced ‘Chay-fits' ] KICKED BUTT..!! SEE:

[color=blue][i]..after reading the ATTACK BY ‘MSM Matters’ via THIS: AND this:'s WAR BABY..!!

I'd like to see ALL of you to not only watch Beck, Dobbs, O’Reilly and Hannity, but I'd also like you to have ALL your TV’s on these programs for as long as you possibly can. WHY? When your TV's are connected to the Cable Co, their servers know what you're watching, thus ratings! Same applies to internet Radio Station(s) ..& when folks drive/walk by your house, they'll see these programs on; monkey see, monkey do..!'ll have to 'wade' a little sometimes, but for the most part, [b]..Beck, Dobbs, O'Reilly & Hannity “TV/Radioâ€