Why Isn’t ILLEGAL Immigration a Felony?

In foreign nations including Mexico, anybody who is apprehended without the right papers are subject to a felony. Doesn’t it seem strange that illegal immigration in the United States is a civil offense? Contact your Senator and Congress person and demand as a voter, that entry into this sovereign nation is classed as a felony. Foreign nationals will ideally not take the chance of this serious offense and stay in their own country. To me this has been an intentional act by either party, to allow nationals to enter without any recourse that might place them in prison, instead of a short stay at a detention facility before deportation.

Like most industrialized nations, we can always find a special visa for top notch professionals, highly skilled occupations. Highly educated people are not a financial peril to our economy. Illegal aliens are, because they are feeding from tight budgets of states. The job magnet must be eliminated, the instant citizenship for babies smuggled past unsuspecting immigration agents at the borders or passenger lines at airports. The numbers are staggering and everybody who enters America should be tracked as the authorities do in Mexico? One of the major problems detected is that this administration and prior ones are still importing around a million foreign nations a year, with less than high occupational skills.

The TEA PARTY has become a huge pressure group of tens of millions of equally minded Americans from all ethnic and secular backgrounds, political parties, no matter what the unsympathetic activists conclude? The TEA PARTY members contribute to a focused viewpoint of limiting government, personal freedoms, personal responsibility, “fairâ€