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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    The Straight Talk Express - Amnesty is a Disease -

    The only way to total security and immigration enforcement -


    There is only one way to enforce this illegal immigration problem and that is strict border enforcement and a double layered fence coupled with technology, along every single mile of the border. Then you use a second layer of very harsh penelties for the illegal and for the employers. Also aiders and abettors get automatic jail time. This also doubles as drug enforcement so you get two for the price of one. We could just spend the money we give Mexico and for the drug enforcement budget and get the fence for free. Basically enforce the laws that are on the books but stiffer penalties for the law breakers. Its funny how the government can enact the most harsh fees and fines and punishment on the American people when they want the American Citizens to obey the laws but anytime its a cheap labor foriegner, oh, we can't possibly do that!

    Why anything else won't work.

    The problem with giving some illegals (the 20 million here) Amnesty and fining them and making them do all this stuff to be legit, is how are you going to know who is who? Lets say I'm illegal, I get amnesty using a fake ID. I get my new amnesty ID forged. I could just pass my new forged id to all my buddies so they look legal just like they do the social security cards. So, why sign up? I just tell them I work five jobs. Of course I have another fake ID for other activities. How is the government going to know who is legal and who isn't? We have this same thing going on right now with forged documents. We have illegals and probably American citizens for that matter forging documents and getting multiple tax return checks from the government. We see thousands of illegals are already using the same social security number and that doesn't get them fired or deported or even checked on. If your serious about law enforcement why haven't all those people using the same social security been chaecked out? Further more an illegal could be out killing people using his fake ID and then if he ever is questioned he just pulls out another ID. How are you going to know who he is? Multiple ID's and Muliple addresses same sorta looking picture but with very noticable differences. If American did this we'd be doing five years in the federal prison. Ya know there are alot of juan lopezes in the world. That is why securing the borders is so imperitive for any counrty that distributes money in any form to its citizens. These borders should had been secure 75 years ago. The illegals don't want to pay no stinking fees or fines. If they wanted to do the right thing they would have came here legally in the first place or they would leave NOW so they could be closer to the front of the line to get citizenship. Why aren't they doing that? Because they don't want to and they know all the tricks that crooks know and they know the government isn't going to enforce anything. Another reason the illegals won't go for this crap plan is because they know the government isn't going to have any meaningful border enforcement so why should they leave, lose their job and do whats right when another illegal is going to come across the border and take their place? In other words jump in front of them like they did the ones before them. These washington people play stupid, they know all this. Its just another doupe for the American People. Anyway they can keep the slave trade going. I'd like for one person to tell me how they are going to properly identify these illegals. And then when the government does come into a questionable situation of who's who, they'll say they can't detain him while they find out who he really is.

    The biometric card -
    Every card in history has been able to be replicated and forged. Just like every computer security system has been hacked even the pentagon.
    We know this is a false arguement right from the start. This also makes it that much more damaging if you have the card and it gets hacked, the ones that have hacked the system *crooks* then have free and unquestionable rein in the country. While the real persons who's identity has been stolen is possibly imprisoned for the carnage the crooks did because it is a supposedly tamper proof card, you had to have done the crime. So, the risk far outweigh any value that could come from it. What is the alternative?
    Enforce the current laws.

    Amnesty -
    The only amnesty that will work is one that is free and final. Which means there are no more social services of any kind for any illegal. That means immediate detainment and jail time of 6 months. After that, immediate deportation at a cost to the home country which can deffer the cost to the resident once he is deported back to their home country if they choose to do that. Thats their business not ours. If there is any fee in conjunction with the amnesty the illegals will try everyway they can to avoid it and thus avoid the amnesty. You might be able to get them to pay it if you spread the fine out over ten years or so. Even if the government comes up with an ID that is truely tamper proof, Either way, you will have to have the same interior enforcement that is on the books right now. You will still have to identify every illegal in this country which means enterior enforcement. That is one of the goals of the immigration policy is to know who is in your country. Illegals will still run when they see the enforcers coming, because alot of them never intend to get legal. The illegals want to come out of the shadows but don't want their crimes to come out of the shadows along with them. As they know they have commited multiple felonies that means they will have to leave under any amnesty plan that has been presented to this date. Yes, a few will take the government up on it but there are just to many criminals that have forged, stolen, drove drunk, caused car wrecks, rape, death and embezzled money off americans personally or off the system and they won't trust the government so that means if 40% of them don't sign up, were going to have 6 to 10 million illegals to track down. The government claims it can't enforce the law but they can track down millions of Americans that might have a funny tax return. So, the enforcement is going to be needed either way, Why not get started on it right now? Well, because the government knows there is no sense enforcing the interior laws without a fence at the border, why spend the money if they can come right back over the border? See, the politicians are smarter than they act. So, even a totally free amnesty won't work.

    Why illegals must return home -
    The most secure situation would be for the illegals to return to their country until the border is secure and hopefully the border fence is built. This would also help with a more accurate count of how many are coming in. Even if the so called illegals go home how are we to really know if the documents provided by the foriegn governments on the legal ones are really legit? With all these governments being corrupt, how do we know? The main reason they must return home is because they need some kind of punishment for their crime of coming in the country illegally. If the illegals are sent home for 90 days this will send a messege that America isn't going to stand for criminal activity and we definitely need a deterant. Another thing this provides is respect for American rule of law and a respect of Americans themselves. Another thing this provides is a way for America to clear up the welfare and social service rolls and corruption. If the illegal is to return to work then we must demand that the illegals get no social services or tax payer funded extras such as in state tuition. If the business community can't pay the illegals a living wage then they get billed for the social services the illegals recieve, the days of tax payer subsidies are gone. The tax payers are not paying taxes to pay for your labor while you make millions of their labor and ours. Its just plain stupid to subsidize the competetion. Businesses will be charged a stipen for the illegals children that are here in the school system. Again the tax payers are not paying taxes for you to make millions while the tax payers foot the bills for you workers because you refuse to pay them a living wage. The illegal will not get tax deductions for dependants. All illegals must pay for their medical bills they have incurred by going to emergency rooms for births and other cost they have incurred and ignored. If an illegal has given birth to an American child then they must pay for those services or, you gotta go! No more free health care at the expense of Americans, or the babies father can pay for it or if the babies father is illegal their employer can pay for it. Americans aren't paying no more!
    The entire problem with illegal immigration is we've let 20 million people in the country and we have no clue if they are who they say they are. With the proliferation of fake and forged documents there is really no way to honestly identify who these people are. Another problem is we know the governments like Mexico is corrupt and they will provide any kind of paper work for the illegals so the illegals can come here and then send billions of dollars back to the home country. So, we're basically dealing with criminal enterprises on every level at every turn. The truth is, we aren't going to know who these people are, we aren't going to know who the crooks are. They can change identities at the drop of a hat thanks to the criminal governments and other corrupt government such as our own. Our government is more than willing to overlook and ethical and meaningful enforcement of the laws as it is evident by looking at the current situation we face presently. Biometric cards might work but they also need a digital finger print and a database for comparison in cases of future criminal activity. It must include a way for employers to use that system to check its potential employees for illegality and criminal records and it must demand that when employers recieve a hit indicating that a person is wanted for violations an automatic messege is sent to the local police department so they can follow up and possibly apprehend the criminal in question.

    #1 Government complaint -
    The double layer fence, border security and interior enforcement will cost to much money, money we don't have. As stated before, take the billions for the war on drugs, the amnesty money and the money we give in aid to Mexico and use it. If there is any short fall of funds the companies that hired the illegals can pay for it. They created the need, they pay for it! Why should all Americans pay for something that is denegrating our lives and families? Make the ones that benefit from the illegal activity pay for it. By the way the businesses can also pay restitution to every family who has suffered from the criminal act of an illegal immigrant since you have benefitted off those lawbreakers by aiding and abetting them. Worse yet you have profited off the criminal activities so your complicent in their crimes and you need to be held accountable for that. Some in the legal world call it a conspiricy. Its seems everyone wants a free ride when it comes to the illegals but if your an American citizen you gotta just eat it. I hope the lawyers get balls soon.

    illegals=governemnet profit -
    Now we get to the motives behind the whole debate. It isn't about the poor immigrant that has come to America to make better for their families. Its about making them slaves and in doing so making the American people slaves as well. Why act so concerned about illegal immigrants and then pay them wages so low they can't afford to make it? Thats like me saying I love ya man, you need a place to sleep tonight, yeah you can sleep out in the barn. When Hillary talks of the illegals she loves so dearly and then wants to offer them minimum wage so their life will be better. Awwww, your such a bigot Hillary!
    As I watched the economic report on the economy today there was every bit of proof that illegals have driven down wages. Since 2000 wages have only increased maybe 1% over the entire 8 years. Thats their story but I have heard other economist say the average American workers salery is down an average of $1,000 per year, or $2,000 per family. On the other hand employers profits have risen drasticly. Now lets see ... you got a flooded labor market of cheap labor coming in, which in turn drives down wages, which in turn makes more profit for the companies because their wage pay out has decreased and don't forget in the last eight years businesses stopped paying for the workers insurance as well, that alone is a huge pay loss. But even the democrat Mr Schumer wanted to go around his hind end not to admitt the illegals are having a drastic effect on American wages and the wages of the illegals themselves. Mr. Schumer wants to get mad at the businesses for not paying enough without admitting the goverments role in this fiasco as well. The residential construction and home improvement industry has dried up to virtually nothing which I confirmed by calling 10 home improvement companies yesterday. They told me they have NO work at all. We know how much Americans love to make improvements to their homes. Its really bad out there. The only companies that can sustain themselves through this are the larger commercial contractors. Commercial construction is still heavy. Why is commercial construction still heavy? Because the government is still building huge peojects all over the place! And the big monopoly box stores have plenty of money to build with. I digress.

    Governement sponors crime cause it pays-
    If you look at our society you see government coming up with every excuse not to protect the border or Americans in general. When a crime goes down in America it is just some kind of swazay fair issue to them. The only crimes they want to enforce is murder, rape and any crime that is taking place where they can show their awesome force in action. When it comes to burglary or theft they usually don't even show up anymore. You just file your report on the ole answering machine and then call your home insurance so you might be able to re-coop some of your losses which you pay for again when your homeowners insurance goes up because you made a claim. On the other hand if your an American citizen and there is a picture of a scantily clad child on your computer and the governemnt determines its a sexual pose you could be going to jail and your life and child is gone. If your child has a funny bruise then you could be going to prison or your child taken away. If you drive without a license your in big trouble. If you drive drunk or are caught with a few joints your car is taken and you go to jail. If your car doesn't have the proper inspection you will have to pay $300. If you don't have insurance and the proper tags on your vehical you could be going to jail. If you defend yourself or your home you might be the one in jail. If you kill someone trying to break into your home in the dark of night, you could face murder charges. If you put a board with nails protruding out of its topside under your window sill and a burglar breaks into your home and steps on those nails you could be going to jail and even sued. If someone claims you hit a woman your going to jail. If you try and take your child out of the country without a passport you could be going to jail and your child taken because you endangered their life. But, if your an illegal immigrant you get no punishment. This is clearly a civil rights violation. We are all entitled to equal representation under the law. When the police let an illegal go free when crimes have been commited then he has played palntiff, judge and jury. While I the American was charged with 1 offense the illegal had 7 offenses and was released to drive away without license, tag, registration, insurance, ID, no tag, or inspection or even a search. So, either the police officer has violated my civil rights or he has discriminated against me by assuming from the color of the other persons skin or ethnic orgin that he is not an American even without evidence of such proof. So, now I'm also dicriminated against racially. Therefore the government is guilty of aiding and abetting the illegal and commiting a federal crime and in doing so has shown corruption and the governments credibility is no longer any good so all charges against me should be dropped immediately.Then he has also been complicent in other illegal activity by letting the illegal stay in the country. How come there is no lawyer that can seem to put these things together and make a case for the American People?
    Politicians biggest donars - lawyers.
    politicians don't want to lock people up for very long. they want the crooks to keep getting out so their law buddies can keep getting the big paychecks from the government. Even if the defendant doesn't have a dime to pay for a defense the government does. They can keep rotating the criminals in and out like a merry go round knowing the crook is going to be back within a year and the government supplied lawyer gets to make another quick $1,000 to $20,000 dollars. Why on earth would you let a criminal with 30 criminal offenses back on the street in 6 months? No, we don't want to keep people locked up forever because of the money it takes to house the crooks but the governments are spending as much or more to keep paying for lawyers to defend the crooks over and over. The worst part is the American people are victims over and over just so a lawyer can make a very good living and they have to make sure and contribute to that political campaign fund so they can keep the money rollin in. There are criminal out there that have destroyed 30 and 40 cars during thefts and thereis never any restitution to the victims or the taxpayers. that could very well be a million dollars worth of someones property and since the thefts weren't considered violent crimes they just keep getting out of jail over and over. The reason why lawyers love illegals is because it pays better and its a challenge to try and skew the laws to mean something they don't. They also get the sympathy from the media and other illegals. Its just another way to get even more business at tax payers expense. At every turn the American peope are preached to and treatened to obey the laws while the illegals are taught to ignore the laws. We are taught any offense of the law will result in harsh penalties and punishment. The illegals are taught there is no penalties or punishment. No consequences at all. We have got to start making people accountable or there is no end in sight. Thats why we have corrupt politicians and illegals breaking our laws, you stick their ass in prison for 5 years, then they might see things different.

    So, are we under a shadow NAU law? -
    It seems to me by reading that last statement that something funny is going on here. Americans get punished for breaking any law while the illegal foriegners get treated differently and usually set free without any punishment. Seems like thay are being held to the standard that their countries use, not ours. Is this the big NAU law umbrella being shown here. What other reason could there be to give two different nationalities two different sets of rules? Its like the mexicans are being treated as if they were still in mexico but they aren't in mexico. Just like the other ethnic groups seem to be able to do what they want here according to the law in their country instead of abiding by ours? Why else would the Koran be needed in the court room? It is going on right before our eyes? A pattern is emerging across this land. Americans are held to the very high standards and have no recourse when people from other countries violate our laws or us. Yet we are not to retaliate or even complain about the violations or we are called racist. Our voices aren't heard and they are just tossed away like yesterdays garbage. The government has tied the American peoples hands and stripped our very civil rights that protect us in favor of the illegal foriegners. Why are our schools changing to meet the requirements of the foriegners and Americans have no say what so ever? Yet our tax money is being spent to allow these things we are against and are against us. It almost seems as the government has told the foriegn nations to send all your people (bad people at that) over and the government will make sure that Americans won't say or do anything about it or we'll have them arrested or sued. Is this why the politicians don't want to do a damn thing about the illegals? Do we already have a NAU shadow government policing us? Something is going on and it feels like evil is lurking in these politics that seem to overlook Americans best interest. Any person with any intelligence knows no nation is secure without secure borders. But the Americans are being lead down this murky road and for some reason there are people that believe we can leave those borders wide open even during a time of war. It is so unbelievable how the television has brainwashed so many Americans. These deomocrat and republican soldiers that have been made to think these leaders are right and they trust them with their lives. Them failing to see that come a day when you don't comply you could be despensable. Failing to see, hear and feel an Americans pain as their loved ones have died at the hands of illegals. And then to turn around and cliam they are compasionate by understanding the illegals plight. It makes no sense to me. How an American can just brush off the death of another fellow American citizen at the hands of an illegal as if that American loss is of no meaning at all. Then to bring up the defense that if it the illegal didn't drive drunk and kill the American then it would have been an American. Like that justifies everything. If that is how the majority of Americans feel then we aren't Americans anymore. We are nothing more than mindless creatures. If we can't even feel the loss of our own then we have been defeated as a country. And if thats the case then who cares about anything? Why care about global warming? Why care about equal justice? Why care about your neighbor or even respect them? Why care about schools and grades and learning about cultures that don't include our own? Why care to get married and have kids? Why care about looking after the elderly? The evil is money of course. Anything for the money. The new god of all politicians and of most people. The lies and deceit that are being portrayed on the American people are incredible. Yep, sounds like the NAU-PC-AMNESTY PLAGUE. Well, one things for sure, its making me sick!

    Unless we get those criminals & make them pay for what they have done to our country and the lawlessness they have sponsored, we are just another Mexico ourselves!

  2. #2
    Senior Member zeezil's Avatar
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    Is this an article or news item? Is there a link?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    There is no link to this story.
    Unless we get those criminals & make them pay for what they have done to our country and the lawlessness they have sponsored, we are just another Mexico ourselves!

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