Our President, attorney general, senators, congressmen and women who makes laws that affect all Amreican citizens, do not have a clue why we, the American citizens, do not want illegal immigration. That include many of our local officials. They do not have to live daily with the massive influx of people in to their neighborhood, that do not speak our language and we do not understand each other, that we have to share every aspect of our lives with. Some time I even think I am sharing my air space. We have to let these people know how our lives are affected and we are not racists. I am using Mexicans as an example because the majority are from Mexico.

We share our neighborhoods, schools, entertainment centers, shopping mall, parking and roadways, emergency rooms, hospital room and nurses and doctors, our jobs, our law enforcement, courts and prisons and it is overwhelming to us as a society. I said that the mom and pop neighborhood grocery stores owned by the Smiths and the Browns are gone. Not so. They are now replaces by the Garcias and the Lopez. I cannot began to tell you how illegal immigrants has change my and my family’s lives it the past ten years. It appears that the mass of illegals here now, have come in since the last amnesty. Amnesty will only invite more of the same until our country and our lives is complete destroyed. Then they will probably get the message.