Why Not Give "Rule of Law" a Chance?

Open Letter To Senators Feinstein and Boxer

Dear Senators:

Now that S 1639 and amnesty have apparently failed, perhaps another approach should be pursued.

Nearly everyone agrees that the status quo is unacceptable.

But America does NOT need to legalize 12-30 illegal aliens and position them on a path to citizenship in order to solve the illegal alien nightmare.

Existing laws, while not perfect, provide a more than adequate remedy. Those laws prohibit U.S. employers from hiring illegal aliens and mandate deportation of those here illegally.

All that is lacking is a commitment on the part of the president and the U.S. Congress to enforce the law.

Why not try this simple formula?

* Secure the borders with military force;

* Prosecute employers who hire illegal aliens, and

* Enforce all immigration laws, including deportations.

Or, to steal a slogan from past anti-war campaigns, "Give Rule of Law a Chance!"


John W. Lillpop
San Jose California