I'm quite aware that many of you and our moderators are tired of some of the opposition that come to our site. There are several reason we do not ban them when they do not violate our rules.

1. ALIPAC's core strategy is based on the belief that in this conflict the more we confront our opposition the better. We know the true opinions of the American public and as long as we stick to the areas where we have a large consensus, then any conflict with our opposition here, on other boards, at debates, in articles, on radio or TV shows, only draws attention to our struggle and makes us stronger. Knowing where the opinions of the audience are, we benefit from the fight that draws attention.

2. Confronting opposition on our boards is a great place to practice and learn for those of you that are serious about training yourselves to be effective in this struggle. You need to practice.

We did not form ALIPAC to create a warm safety blanket for you. A platform of operations and training yes. A safe harbor.. no.

Debating the opposition on our site may be tiresome for some of you, but it also keeps you reminded of something very important. Even if we did ban every opponent that came here, that would not protect you or ALIPAC from them. They are here all around us in our nation and on the web. They are studying us and plotting our failure. They are analyzing our strengths and our weaknesses as we are doing the same to them.

This is a fight and anyone that is just looking for comfort must understand that soon there will be no shelter, no ALIPAC, no Tom Tancredo, and No Michael Savage show in the new North American Community should we fail.

Fight them and fight them with calm skill.

We have had to ban an ALIPAC supporter before because they made a big mistake locked in combat with a troll here on our boards.

This is a battle and should you fall or do yourself in or make a critical error then you must go so the rest of us can fight on.

3. We learn a lot from our opposition. We learn their standard techniques and refine our responses. They say and do things that bring people into our cause. Many of our current ALIPAC board users are here because they saw a fight with the opposition and decided to step in and land a few blows of their own.

The truth, the law, the Constitution of the United States and close to 80% of the public are on our side and we do not need ban controls to win a fight under these conditions.

Our cause is moral and our fight is fueled and sustained by the truth. Our opposition relies on lies, deceit, defamation, fear, trickery, secrecy, and criminal acts to push their agenda forward.

Most that come here from their side are quickly removed because adhering to rules is clearly foreign to them. They quickly insult, race bait, make racist comments, and other low down comments right off the bat.

Now we are getting the "intelligentsia" wing of their effort that has come here to educate you poor American peasants and show you how you are just being shallow and hateful because you are backwards people and nativists that will not assimilate to the new world culture.

They want you beaten down and cowering like good slaves to our new Globalist masters.

Every border, door, and orifice should be open and you should have no boundaries like abused and exploited children that live long enough for an adult life. Such is the life for brainwashed slaves taught to believe you have a say when your voice means nothing to them.

Our enemies should listen to us. There is more wisdom in the words of the common man or woman than a room full of these egghead scholars spouting their shamanistic mumbo jumbo.

Use what you learn here and go forward onto the web.

One of our fighters that is well trained and practiced can handle ten or more of them with self control.

Rally those that share our cause to us and show our nation on many battlefields that Americans are fighting back and more organized everyday.

William Gheen <--- Read it King George