Awhile ago, I read a fairly long document called Endgame--Office
of Detention and Removal Strategic Plan, 2003-2012 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As a result I have been pushing a friend, a Mexican, with a green card, to get her citizenship--which she is
doing. Recently, I have seen some news articles referencing Endgame,
again--so, apparently, the plan is still in play.

I've questioned whether the plan is still in play with the terrible job that
has been done, in stopping illegal immigration, as well as the disjointed,
sporatic job of deporting illegals. Could it be that doing a terrible job is
the plan, for a few years? So, do you think think amnesty will become
law, followed by Endgame for future transgressors, or is there more
money to be made for Endgame to affect all current illegals? dc65cdd56a9

What impact will Endgame have on the American citizen middle class?

Do you think the Atzlan, reconquista leaders will benefit from Endgame?

Who do you think has more money--
the intl bankers and their cohorts in the cfr and the other circles within
the cfr OR the master intl drug lords---who REALLY holds the keys to
the one world kingdom?