by Carolina Mendoza
Will the Real Huckabee Please Stand Up?
December 10, 2007 01:32 PM EST

Nothing could be more troublesome to a member of the conservative movement in this country than Mike Huckabee’s numerous contradictory statements concerning the serious issues facing our nation today. If one would take a few minutes to examine them, they would find that he is 'pulling the wool' over conservative eyes with his slick answers in order to avoid his liberal record as governor of Arkansas. Does an honorable man of conviction run from his record the way Mike Huckabee is sprinting from his? Can a man maintain his credibility when he rewrites positions as a presidential candidate that are opposed to the decisions he made as governor of Arkansas? These are questions that trouble me and should trouble all conservatives who are considering caucus votes for Huckabee.

Let’s examine Mike Huckabee’s reinvention as ‘conservative candidate’ vs. Mike Huckabee, liberal Governor of Arkansas.

Illegal Immigration:

Huckabee’s current position is strict enforcement, border security, increase border patrol and no amnesty. However, he has said he is for illegal aliens voluntarily leaving the country before returning. This is potentially nothing more than a retread of the recently rejected Senate and House ‘Touch-Back’ program, a dangerous amnesty.

A serious question that must be asked is: Does Huckabee value the sanctity of the American citizen’s constitutional right to vote? Huckabee’s record as governor of Arkansas speaks for itself. Senate Bill 206, proposed in 2005, would have required proof of citizenship to register to vote and would have required state agencies to report suspected cases of people living in the country illegally. Governor Huckabee denounced the bill, saying it was “…un-Christian, un-American, irresponsible and anti-lifeâ€