Will we get duped again like some of us did in 2004? What does that statement mean you ask? Well in 2004 it was considered a close election and in a close election every vote counts. So when your vote is very much needed you take positions like: President Bush, if you want to earn my vote for re-election you must enforce immigration laws immediately or else you will not get my vote. Don't be shy,spell it out. But instead the national voices who speak to this issue took the position of, kneel down, shut up and vote for Bush. I can tell you a true story of a sellout at RNC convention in Manhattan in 2004 by someone who claims to be on our side but some of you probably won't like it so I will hold off for now.

But it is 2006 now and the mid-term elections are coming up and a small group of voters once again are projected to have decisive power. Let's look at 2002. It was a lot of close wins for republicans decided by only 1.5% of the electorate. The democrats employed a poor redistricting strategy in 2000 making safe seats safer, whereas republicans gambled a bit with their redistricting strategy going for a lot of close wins and that is how it played out. However the republican strategy is based on strong base turnout so you see why republicans need you to stay in power. If only 2% of the people who usually vote republican nationwide withdraw their support for republicans that may cost them the House. They can not gamble with that possibility because if Pelosi becomes speaker, impeachment becomes a possibility.

So once again a small group of voters have the decisive power. Will this small group drop to their knees and say nothing while guest worker amnesty is stuffed down their throat and vote republican no matter what or will they speak up and say the price of gueat worker amnesty is that I will I will vote against every republican on the ballot in 2006. If you think that is unfair then do not let gueat worker amnesty become law.
I know where I stand and it is not kneeling. As long as people continue to support the problem there is no incentive for change.