
A few hours after our press release went out and our supporters were asked to purchase the controversial illegal alien Halloween Costume that Target pulled off their site, after the Amnesty supporters made noise, the stocks ran out!

Check for yourselves and let me know, if you can find any of these costumes left anywhere!

We asked people across America to make this costume THE MOST POPULAR COSTUME of HALLOWEEN 2009 and they responded!

Since I got my order in before starting this landslide of purchases, I am now listing my ordered costume on Ebay.

You can place a bid here and remember that each bid is likely to attract other bidders.

Each dollar raised, if any, on this auction will be donated to the fight against illegal immigration and against Amnesty via donation from me.


Please consider making a bid to help our funds drive along.

I plan to honor my promise to conduct interviews in this costume on national television, if invited.

Why? Because unlike these pro-illegal alien groups that are threatening Target, I have a sense of humor.

I also strongly believe in free speech and free political expression in America.

I will sign the box of this costume and if I wear it on national news I will sign it and attempt to get the national news host to sign it as well.

Please spread the word about this e-bay auction.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC