
Congratulations on a job well done. We have truly been a part of history today!

Beating this measure in the Senate is a massive leap forward for our movement to restore the American republic!

In life, I believe the true tests are how one reacts to both failures and successes.

Today, we have succeeded and we must rejoice, yet accept this win for our team with humility and and honor.

We did not win today, the American people won today!

That is a message we must yell from the rooftops!

So many of you have done a truly great job at this. Damn fine work!

You have been fighting in the center of this battle and while we do not know if the history books will ever reflect on your role in this battle, we will always know what we have done and what we have stood for on this day.

Everyone, please get your rest and plan that time with your friends and family that you have been neglected.

After the July 4 break, we will turn our full attention to the 2008 campaigns and the White House. It is time to take back our government and investigate this scandal at the White House!

We will return our attentions to the Senate and the House next week as we gather our forces and demand an investigation into the non enforcement of our existing immigration laws!

Enjoy this brief victory and know that the war is long from over. We have a long way to go to save America.

And now, I am off to enjoy my inspirational 80's tunes and do the happy dance!

Much love and admiration,

William Gheen

And this is the song I always listen to when in DC

Dedicated to all our hard working ALIPACers

u2-zoo tv- zoo station Live in Sydney

U2 Zoo Station Live from Detroit(Zoo TV Tour)

I'm ready
I'm ready for the laughing gas
I'm ready
I'm ready for what's next
I'm ready to duck
I'm ready to dive
I'm ready to say
I'm glad to be alive
I'm ready
I'm ready for the push

In the cool of the night
In the warmth of the breeze
I'll be crawling around
On my hands and knees

She's Just down the line...Zoo Station
Got to make it on time...Zoo Station

I'm ready
I'm ready for the gridlock
I'm ready
To take it to the street
I'm ready for the shuffle
Ready for the deal
Ready to let go of the steering wheel
I'm ready
Ready for the crush

She's just down the line... Zoo Station
Got to make it on time... Zoo Station

Time is a train
Makes the future the past
Leaves you standing in the station
Your face pressed up against the glass

I'm just down the line from your love... Zoo Station
You know I'm under the sign... Zoo Station
I've got to make it on time
Make it on time... Zoo Station
I'm gonna be there... Zoo Station
Tracing the line... Zoo Station
That's alright... Zoo Station
Just two stops down the line... Zoo Station
Just a stop down the line...
I'm off to go ride the metro and do some radio interviews and chill for a bit listening to this tune.