I posted one of ALIPACS topics in another forum like I always do to spread the word and a member there is saying it is "Hogwash". So what is it. Help me help them to understand. Here is the guys post!! OK, Paul, I'll tell you exactly what I think ...

(1) The manipulative partisan mouthpiece who posted the article you quoted is either completely unaware of the facts he professes to convey or is lying outright.

(2) The only thing this demonstrates is your own lack of knowledge and / or discrimination, your gullibility, and your willingness to serve as a parrot and apprentice spammer.

Here is the FULL TEXT of the body of Senate Bill S-9, introduced in January 2009:

It is the sense of Congress that Congress should enact, and the President should sign, legislation to strengthen the economy, recognize the heritage of the United States as a nation of immigrants, and amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) by--
(1) providing more effective border and employment enforcement;
(2) preventing illegal immigration; and
(3) reforming and rationalizing avenues for legal immigration.
SOURCE: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill...pd?bill=s111-9

That's it, that's all ...

This is a 'sense of Congress' bill, which means its only purpose is to convey what Congress believes should be done. It neither prescribes nor embodies anything beyond rendering that opinion.

Bill S-9 was put on the Senate calendar after second reading in January (prior to the current administration taking office), and there hasn't been a single tangible action on it since.

If you want to post about immigration legislation or any other serious matter, you can start by verifying that what you post isn't empty BS like this is. Even better - you can start by posting something *you* think, rather than regurgitating someone else's crap.

Simply regurgitating something with any truth or substance to it, with no contribution of your own, reduces you to the level of a parrot.

Coughing up something as absurdly false as this reduces you to the level of a spammer.

When it comes to looking for, and trying out, new tech items for your X-Runner, you've displayed a lot of independent thinking and action (as reported to CT in your own - ahem ... - 'colorful' way ... ). I find it strange that someone who steps up and thinks / acts so independently with respect to his truck would willingly reduce himself to someone else's mouthpiece. Just an observation ...

So there - that's exactly what I think ...