Failure is Not an Option: Immigration Reform is Still Possible

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by*Dr. Juan Hernandez

This is a sad*moment for the United States of America.* By giving up on comprehensive immigration reform, our elected leaders gave in to the extremes in both parties.*Immigration reform is too important an issue to become a political football in which*legislators*do little else than pander to their respective political bases.*

It is clear that the immigration system is broken and needs repair.* The ineffectiveness of Congress and the tone of the debate send the wrong message about the* *government and values of the United States.* This nation has prospered economically and spiritually through the energy and talents of immigrants and it is a shame that she turn away from the Judeo-Christian values of compassion and inclusiveness towards "strangers."**

The immigrants that have been persecuted and demeaned during this debate possess the very attributes we seek in America.* They came here not looking for handouts, but intent on working their way out of poverty, just as all other immigrants have done in the past.* By their contributions to our economy through their hard work and to our society through their commitment to family and religious values, they have made the United States the envy of the world.* If we fail to recognize the contributions of these new Americans, we do irreparable damage to the U.S. national identity and impair our future economic growth.

This issue will not go away.* Congress must act now!* The Senate proposal represents an imperfect yet worthy*step toward documenting*the approximately 12 million undocumented workers, creating* a new worker program and confronting* security concerns.**Does it address all*the issues*that are important to many of us (such as family reunification)?* No, it does not.* Nevertheless, I believe*giving up now*would be a stain on this country and the ideals she holds so dear.*

President Bush and Senators Kyl and Kennedy claim that there are still signs of life for the proposal.* We must all do our part in communicating to legislators that failure is not an option we will accept.*History is being written and voters (including the new Americans) will remember those who were irresponsible in dealing with immigrants and immigration reform.*

Please*do your part!*Call your*Senators*at

18004177666 (English),
18008822005 (Spanish)

or get direct number from video*above.*

*Simply say: "Don't give up on*Comprehensive Immigration Reform!"*

Dr. Juan Hernandez is Senior Fellow of The Reform Institute's Initiative for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, and author of The New American Pioneers: Why Are We Afraid of Mexican Immigrants?