I am posting this in General Discussion to make sure everyone sees it!

http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... ic&t=74292

Friends of ALIPAC,

It is time for us to go after the "Silent Amnesty" which is already in place, due to the non-enforcement of our existing immigration laws. Congress has not passed an amnesty, and We the People have not authorized an amnesty, yet one exists!

Near the end of the battle over the Senate Amnesty bill, the supporters of that bill told us from the Senate floor that we should accept this deal. They said if we did not accept this deal that "Silent Amnesty" would continue!

Who is it that is telling the American people how it is going to be? Who is responsible for this outrage and what laws have they broken?

Without enforcement of our existing laws, the elections and deliberations of Congress become meaningless!

If we cannot have our existing immigration laws, which are supported by over 80% of Americans enforced, then we no longer live in a Republic for which our flag stands!

We need all ALIPAC Activists to spring into action.


Our first plan of action involves the following.


Please read and distribute the following press release from ALIPAC. Please send it to all of your local media sources and any national contacts.

Americans Call On Congress To Investigate Bush & Restore The Republic!
http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=N ... =1&thold=0


Please call each US Senator and member of Congress from your state! We need a huge volume of calls Thursday and Friday as ALIPAC's William Gheen visits offices in DC.

To locate the phone, fax, and e-mail contact info for your state, please visit...


http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... ic&t=63874

Please convey the following information on these days

"Congressman ________ cannot assure us that any laws passed today will be enforced. There is a pattern of non-enforcement and under enforcement of our existing immigration laws. That is why we have so many illegal aliens in America! I want official investigations into the Bush administration to correct this situation and to prosecute those responsible for this betrayal of the American public."

"If Congress will not ensure that our immigration laws are enforced by the President, they should just come home because the laws they pass are just for show and the President decides what happens."

"The President is failing to enforce laws that are vital to the security and welfare of the American public. The President is violating his oath of office and the US Constitution by suspending existing laws on behalf of big business."

"Stop the SILENT AMNESTY, Bush is forcing on America! Secure the border! Enforce our existing laws! Restore the Republic!"

